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genre: fluff, angst
summary: the school gets a warning about a tornado and the only thing minho can think about is jisung.

A//N: this is most definitely not an accurate depiction of tornado drills but we don't get them in the uk so idk i just guessed lol 🙏

T//W: panic attacks (i think??)

not proofread

minho was sitting in class trying to distract himself from the droning voice of his teacher blabbering in his ear about the significance of context in this specific piece of literature which will have no affect on his life in the future.

he looked outside the window and caught a glimpse of his crush, han jisung, standing outside looking utterly confused while talking to a teacher.

'what are they talking about?' minho thought to himself.

he brushed it off and continued to stare at the boys cute face. his chubby cheeks; he doey eyes; his gentle cheekbones; his soft nose; his delicate, plump lips; his perfect proportions. minho just wanted to wrap his arms around jisung's waist. just once. just to know what it felt like.

he'd always felt protective of the boy. ever since they became friends. they weren't extremely close, they just shared mutual friends, but for some reason, minho felt like he wanted to be the one to keep jisung safe.

he knew that the boy had been through something traumatic in his life. it always baffled minho how jisung always managed to put a smile on for everyone. he was so kind and optimistic, unlike minho who tended to look on the negative side of the situation, in minho's eyes, they were a perfect match. yin and yan, sun and moon.

but, of course minho would say that. he's literally in love with the younger.

minho got snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a light smack on the head.

"hey! what was that for?" he turned to the friend who had just smacked him. it was hyunjin. where's the surprise?

"stop staring at your boyfriend, you're going to scare him away."

"i-i wasn't staring!"

"sure." hyunjin smirked and went back to his work. the younger boy was the only one minho trusted enough to tell about his crush on jisung.

sure, he could tell chan, it's not like the older would mind but it still felt a little awkward because they weren't as close. so, he stuck to only telling hyunjin. he felt safer that way. he knew hyunjin wouldn't expose him. he just teased him about it, but that's what friends are for, right?

over the speaker, the principal made an announcement.

"red weather warnings for tornadoes just came through. we would let you go home, but it's too dangerous right now. please remain calm."

talk of going into lockdown because of a tornado soon spread throughout the class minho was seated in. the teacher shushed them surprisingly quickly saying that the only thing they should be worrying about right now was how the war impacted the content of the author's work. like anyone actually cares at all.

when minho turned to look out the window, he wasn't surprised, but alas a little disappointed, that jisung had left and gone back inside.

"what's with the long face? sad that jisung's gone and you can't creepily stare at him?" hyunjin teased once again. thankfully, only quietly, so no one else would know about the crush, even though it was slightly too obvious.

"shut up, oh my god."

"do you think we're gonna have to evacuate to the basement today?" the younger quickly changed the subject.

minsung oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें