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genre: fluff, angst
summary: minho finds jisung in the rain and brings him back to his house.

T//W: slight mentions of abuse, slight toxic masculinity, not eating/eating disorders, fear of not being in control/perfectionism

jisung lifted his window up quietly, a strong gust of wind blew the curtains outward.

he wanted to escape from his house, just for a little bit. night time was the only appropriate moment for him to really destress, run away from everything, be in his own world.

he climbed onto the tree, not before shutting the window behind him, and struggled slightly to get down to the floor.

it was raining quite heavily, he would probably end up getting sick, but he didn't really care.

jisung ran to the nearest park and sat on the bench, not caring that it was wet, he was soaked anyway.

he clutched his arms and felt tears in his eyes. he shouldn't be crying, he's not allowed to cry, boys don't cry. his dad always told him that after he'd beat him up. however, today he couldn't contain it. all his emotions he'd bottled up over the years spilled out. as if someone had unscrewed the cap and poured all his feelings onto the floor and out of his control.

he hated not being in control. not being able to predict what would happen next. it stressed him out. he needed routine and perfectionism. but, food was one thing he could always rely on being in control of.

⚠️mentions of body dysmorphia and struggles with eating⚠️

the feeling of being full made him nauseous. the shape of his stomach when he became bloated made him hate himself. he felt calm when he knew that that could be easily controlled, that how much food he ate could easily be managed.

he heard his stomach rumbled. it was loud even in the pouring rain. it made him cry more. he wanted to stop crying, but the tears wouldn't cease.

suddenly, the rain stopped. he looked up. there was a boy holding an umbrella over him. more accurately, his friend minho and longtime crush was holding an umbrella over him.

"jisung, what are you doing out here?" his voice was laced with concern, "you're going to get sick." he crouched down in front of the crying boy so he was just below his level.

jisung frantically rubbed his eyes, embarrassed that minho had seen him like this.

"i-it's okay, i'm o-okay."

"no you're not."

jisung didn't know what else to do, so he just let out a staggered sob, immediately clutching his hand over his mouth to prevent anymore embarrassing noises to emit from it.

"it's okay to cry." minho let the umbrella fall to the floor, more focused on his crying friend than anything else.

he placed his hands on top of jisung's and pulled them away from his face, holding them tightly.

"it's okay to cry." he repeated in a softer, quieter voice.

jisung sniffed and let more tears come down his cheeks like the rain falling from the sky.

minho stood and sat next to him, letting go of one of the younger's hands to pull him closer by the waist, letting the boys head fall onto his shoulder. he brought a hand up to his hair and started to play with it, twirling it between his fingers.

"it's okay, no one's going to hurt you." he rubbed circles on his knuckles on the hand he was holding.

"y-you don't know th-that." jisung stumbled over his muffled words, hiccuping slightly.

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