dance practice

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genre: fluff, angst
summary: jisung avoids minho after minho got mad at him in a dance practice session.
requested by: @Hiiii98

"jisung, no, you do it like this." minho corrected him, his tone getting slightly more annoyed as jisung couldn't get a grip on what was being shown to him.

"bring your arm more forward and less up." he demonstrated before making jisung do the same.

"okay. better." minho was trying not to get mad at the younger but he was already having a bad day as it is and this definitely wasn't helping.

"you guys take five," he said to the rest of stray kids, "i need to have a one on one with jisung."

jisung was starting to get anxious. angry minho was terrifying.

"okay, jisung, like this." he demonstrated once again. jisung watched closely and tried to copy but still managed to do something wrong.

minho sighed and stepped behind jisung, guiding his arms with his hands. to jisung that was what he was doing but apparently it wasn't. he tried on his own again. this time minho got mad at him.

"oh my god, jisung, can't you do anything right?! it's not even that difficult!" minho raised his voice at jisung causing him to flinch a little. tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to fall, but he blinked them back and tried one more time.

"i'm done." minho said before walking over to the sofa where the other members were.

jisung looked at himself in the mirror. was he really that bad? was he so bad that he couldn't do anything correctly? is that what everyone secretly thinks? is that what stay think? does stay think everything he does is wrong?

hot tears spilled down his face, but, thankfully, no one noticed. jisung quickly wiped them away.

"i'm going to the bathroom." he announced quietly, hoping his voice didn't quiver to much.

"okay." they all said in unison, but the red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks didn't go unnoticed by the members.

"minho." bangchan said sternly once jisung had left the room, "what the fuck."

"i thought you liked him." hyunjin mumbled, getting a jab from minho, "ow..."

"what?! he was doing it wrong!"

"so?! that gives you no right to shout at him. you should have just let him rest a bit and then try again and again until he gets it right. what is wrong with you today?" felix joins the conversation.

"i'm just stressed." minho said quietly, suddenly regretting ever lashing out as guilt started eating away at him. he hung his head low.

"not an excuse." seungmin states, "go talk to him and apologize."

minho sighs and leaves the practice room to find jisung. he makes his way to the bathroom first, he listens for any movement. (kinda gross if you think about the fact it's a bathroom) he hears sniffles and muffled sobs and knows that it must be jisung.

he knocks.

"jisung?" the crying stops abruptly.

"wh-who is it?"

"it's minho-"

"go away." minho sighs and knocks again.

"i said go away."

"no, jisung, i'm not leaving." suddenly the door opened revealing a red eyed, tear stained jisung. the older opened his mouth to talk but the younger simply pushed passed him going into the practice room.

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