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genre: angst, fluff
summary: jisung gets overwhelmed with negative thoughts and has an anxiety attack.
requested by: @Ineedmydelulupills

T//W: anxiety attack.

not proofread

minho frantically ran through the corridors looking for his boyfriend. he'd asked around, trying to find out if anyone had seen him, but of course, people hadn't. no one really paid attention to jisung unless he was going to do their homework or something. it pissed minho off but jisung always told him he didn't mind.

minho's life was the opposite, everyone knew who he was, everyone liked him, everyone wanted to be him and, at times, it came in handy, but it was mostly a nuisance as people were always trying to get in his business.

but that wasn't his main concern right now.

he'd asked his plethora of 'friends', his real friends and even jisung's friends, but they all said they didn't know.

he was basically panicking now. he knew jisung had trouble with letting his thoughts wander into negative ones and letting them get to him, minho was also hyper aware of his anxiety disorder. what if jisung was having a panic attack?


⚠️anxiety attack⚠️

jisung crouched in an empty classroom, tears streaming down his face, flushing his cheeks. his whole world was crumbling around him and he felt as though he couldn't breathe.

'minho hates me.'

'he has to take care of me so much.'

'i'm such a burden to him.'

'i'm a nobody, he should be with someone on his level, in his league, not me.'

'why does he even like me?'

'who am i kidding? he doesn't like me.'

'the real question is why is he still here? i'm nothing.'

jisung clutched his hands over his ears in attempt to stop the loud thoughts.

sweat gathered on his forehead. everything was so loud. he couldn't breathe. there was so much oxygen but his throat was closed up.

he gasped for air, letting sobs rattle his body. his breathing was shallow and sporadic.

he wanted minho. he needed minho.

but did he deserve minho?

suddenly, the door slammed open, but jisung didn't open his eyes. he was so scared. the floor felt like it was falling away from beneath him.

two warm hands were placed over his own which were clasping his ears. immediately he felt himself calming down, even if it was just a little bit.

the hands moved his own from his ears and all the sounds came rushing back. jisung made a noise of discomfort and distress.

but a voice cut through all the noise.

"shh, i know, i know, it's okay angel, hyung's here." minho's honey voice muted all the other sounds and he used his thumbs to massage jisung's hands.

jisung opened his eyes slowly and met minho's forest brown ones.

"hi, princess." he smiled softly.

minho was sitting cross-legged in front of him. he guided one the younger's hands to his chest, specifically where his heart was.

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