lashing out

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genre: angst, fluff
summary: minho is frustrated he can't get a part of the dance right and so he lashes out at everyone, especially jisung.
requested by: Hiiii98

trigger warning: attempted suicide, family issues

not proofread

both minho and jisung had issues at home with their families. minho's father hated the idea of him becoming an idol, his mother always tries to marry him off to someone who would benefit her company and she was always trying to make him take over her company.

jisung's parents are homophobic, his dad lives separately to his mum and is an alcoholic, while his mum tries to support herself but never fails to tell him he's not good enough.

despite this, both of them have tried to put on smiles and convince the other members that their family lives are fine and so are they.

currently, straykids were resting in the middle of dance practice, but minho was still trying to get one move correct. the other members kept telling him that it was okay if he messed up and to take a break but he just got annoyed at them, telling them to shut up and go away.

as the minutes ticked by, he got more and more irritated with himself.

jisung had just got back from the bathroom and was surprised to see minho still practicing and not resting with the others.

"you're still practicing?" he asked.

"yes." minho just stated, sternly.

"jisung, i wouldn't-" bangchan tried to warn him but the younger interrupted him.

"you should take a break, you'll be better once you've had a rest."

"jisung. shut the fuck up. why do i have to do everything you want to do? i can make my own bloody decisions. i don't need your useless input, i can do what the fuck i want! you're so fucking annoying, literally no one cares!" minho shouted before turning back to the mirror and trying the routine again.

jisung stood there, stunned. a hot tear ran down his cheek, then another one, then another one, then a flood.

the members where too shocked to fully process what had happened and before they could do anything, jisung had ran out the room.

"minho, what the fuck?!" changbin started, before getting up and going to find jisung, bangchan followed close behind.

the rest stayed to try and get out of minho why he had said that.

"jisung?" changbin called. they heard sniffing from a recording room and decided to go in.

"jisung..." bangchan said softly.

"'s okay." the eldest wrapped his arms around the younger's trembling body. attempting to calm him down.

"maybe recording your new song with help?" changbin suggested, he knew that jisung used music to calm himself down a lot.

jisung nodded, standing in front of the mic.

"okay, ji, whenever you're ready."

the younger took a deep breath and was nearly ready to start when he broke down crying again.

"d-do you th-think he meant i-it?" jisung sobbed into changbin's shoulder.

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