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genre: fluff

summary: jisung is the lead singer in the ever-growing rap-rock band 3racha and minho just so happened to be dragged along to one of his concerts.

"come onnnnn minho," felix whined, "you're going to enjoy it, trust. plus the lead singers really hot."

"of course you'd say that, you're, like, best friends with him." minho said, unamused. he was currently being dragged by his roommate to a gig that he definitely didn't want to go to and could list at least ten things he'd rather be doing, all because the youngers friend, jisung, was the lead singer.

of course minho enjoyed gigs and concerts. he just preferred less upbeat ones. felix called him boring when he mentioned it and so got a hold two tickets to see "3racha" instead. a rap-rock band. those are like the two most random genre combinations ever but whatever makes the money flow in.

"we're so early." minho stated in a very exasperated manner. there were only a few people who were milling around.

"so we could get to the very front obviously." felix crossed his arms and sent an expression that said "duh" minho's way.

the younger sighed, his hands falling to his side. "just try and look like you're having fun. at least when the concert starts. jisung is a very self conscious person and will catch on with the fact that you're clearly not having fun." he pointed an accusative finger at the older.

minho only rolled his eyes at this. "yeah, yeah. whatever."


a few hours later, the concert had begun.

to be honest, minho didn't mind it. he bopped his head to a couple songs, but what he couldn't deny was the fact that the lead singer was in fact very, very attractive. his voice was powerful but also soft and his rapping was steady and impressive.

minho couldn't take his eyes off him for even a second and when jisung noticed felix in the crowd he jumped off the stage to quickly fist bump him and engage with the rest of the audience.

up close he was even more beautiful. the stage lights illuminated his skin and his soft cheeks.

minho was in awe.

once the concert was over and 3racha had finished performing, felix decided to take minho backstage to introduce all of them.

with a lot of persuading, the younger managed to physically drag the older to meet the band.

"hey guys!" felix waved cheerfully as they made their way into the dressing room.

"hey felix." one of them responded. he was short and very muscly.

"hi." the other called. he was taller and eye catchingly handsome, although minho hadn't noticed him on stage.

"the short one is changbin hyung," felix started, receiving a hit on the arm by the guy called changbin, "and that's bangchan hyung."

minho just meekly waved at both of them, not really being in the mood to talk. the boys seemed to catch on with this as felix moved away from minho's side to engage in conversation with them.

where was jisung?

minho was just about to ask when said boy walked through the door.

"speak of the devil." said bangchan. seems like they were wondering the same thing.

"huh?" the clueless jisung asked, sipping from his bottle.

minsung oneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz