bad day

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genre: fluff, angst
summary: minho yells at jisung by accident and jisung gets upset.
requested by: @BrookWilliams2

saying minho had a shitty day would be an understatement.

firstly, he woke up late, secondly, he couldn't find his uniform and found out it was in the dirty laundry and had to wash and dry it, thirdly, he had no food in the house so he had to go hungry and finally his mother had scolded him about his grades and how disappointed she is. which he wasn't very thankful about.

but that was just the morning. he arrived half an hour for second period, got a detention for being late, and got homework. then he got sent to the principals office for "skipping" first period, and so he ended up being late for third period, which ultimately got him another detention. to put the cherry on top he had nothing for lunch.

he sat down on him and jisung's usual table for lunch. anyone could see that he was exhausted. not long later, jisung sat down opposite him.

"hyung, you'll actually never guess what happened today. so i was walking with felix in the corridor and he literally tripped on nothing and fell face first on the floor and i was laughing so hard and then-"

"oh my god, jisung, can you just shut up for one second of your life, some of us don't have as perfect of a life as you have!" minho practically yelled at jisung causing him to flinch a little.

"h-huh?" jisung had a few tears welling up in his eyes. minho didn't notice as he got up and left the canteen, leaving the younger in shock. the few heads that turned just went back to whatever they were doing beforehand.

jisung got up and left soon after. finding a secluded place to cry.

'does minho hate me?'

'has he finally got sick of me?


'it's not the first time that's happened.'

'but i thought we had something.'

'don't be ridiculous jisung, get your shit together.'

jisung decides to take a moment in the nurses office, lying about having a stomach ache.

he was on his way there when he remembered something that minho had said.

"not everyone's life is as perfect as yours" what was that about? jisung's life was far from perfect. minho had had to help him through many anxiety attacks and rough spots in his life, how could he say something like that knowing damn well it's a lie?

'maybe i was just imagining his friendship.'

'i was hoping we could be something more...'

he wiped his tears with the sleeve of his hoodie and decided against going to the nurses office and instead skipping altogether. who cares about detention.

he made his way to the roof and lent against the railing. he pulled out his earphones and played some music to pull him away from everything.

soon he grew tired of standing and sat down his knees brought up to his chest with his head buried in them and his arms wrapped around his legs.

without realizing, he fell asleep.

on the other side of school, however, is a relatively cheerful minho. he spoke to chan who made him forget about his bad mood and the end of school rolled around.

minho went to jisung's last class to pick him up so they could walk home but looking through the window, he couldn't see him at all.

'that's weird.'

he started thinking of places he could be, before settling on first checking the roof and working down from there.

he pushed open the door and the first thing he saw was a sleeping squirrel. his heart melted at the sight.

shutting the door quietly he went up to jisung and put his coat around him before shaking him gently to wake him up.

the younger slowly opened his eyes, when his vision became clear he was met with a smiling minho. this only made him remember everything that had happened. his eyes started welling up which didn't go unnoticed by minho.

"what happened? what's wrong, baby? don't cry, ji."

"y-you-you're mad at me." he choked out.

"what?" minho asked.

"you sh-shouted at me a-and told me t-to shut up." that's when minho remembered lunch.

"oh...jisung, i'm so sorry. i was having a super shitty day and i know that's not an excuse at all and you have every right to hate me but i just wanted to be left alone and i brought it out on you." he held jisung's hand, rubbing his thumb in circles over it as a comfort.

"you made me question i-if you a-actually cared or if y-you really n-never cared." jisung rubbed his eyes with his sleeve.

"oh, baby, i'm so sorry, i truly am. you mean so much to me, i would never throw away our friendship."

"and y-you said my life was perfect." his speech was becoming less choked.

"did i? i'm so sorry. i know that's not true. i didn't mean to make you feel like your problems weren't valid. i just said everything in the spur of the moment, honey, i didn't really think who i was saying it to."

"i'm sorry for being a handful."

"no, no don't be sorry, no you're not allowed to be sorry, it's me who's sorry." minho pulled jisung into a hug, as jisung buried his face into the crook of the older's neck.

they stayed like that for a few minutes just enjoying each others company, when something came into jisung's mind.

he slowly pulled away, "you called me 'baby' and 'honey'."

"oh." is all minho said.

"w-what did y-you mean by that?" mentally cursing at himself for being so flustered.

"i, um, well i just-"

"and please don't lie." jisung quietly mumbled.

"okay, so, jisung, i like you, like more than a friend. you mean so much to me. you're so beautiful and kind and sweet and i know those are generic words but i'm bad at korean and i can't think of any words right now but just believe me. if i could write a book of reasons i fell for you it would take a life time to read." jisung blushed. he was surprised. this was not what he was expecting. a confession? a confession that described exactly what he was feeling.

"i-i feel the same. i'm sorry, i'm bad at fancy speeches." he said quietly. minho smiled widely and engulfed jisung in a hug.

"so you forgive me?"

"i forgave you the first time you said sorry."

"so can i...?" he slowly moved closer looking at jisung's lips.

jisung responded, with a wash of confidence that fell over him, by closing the gap between their lips.

as soon as their lips touched, he melted, it was lucky the older was holding his waist or he would've fallen. jisung put his arms around minho's neck and laced his hands in his hair.

the kiss was passionate and filled with emotion. it was over too soon for either of their liking but they both knew they had to leave or they'd be locked in.

"i just remembered i had detention today." minho whispered as their foreheads lay against each other.

jisung giggled, "i probably do too, for skipping the last periods."

"yay, detention date." the younger laughed and buried his face into minho's chest, as one of minho's hands found their way into jisung's hair, playing with it.

"has anyone told you how soft your hair is?"

"yeah, you. all the time." he laughed.

"okay, let's go now." minho said as he grabbed jisung's hand and led them out of the school.

A//N: thank you sm for requesting that, i hope you enjoyed it xx

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