morning after

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genre: fluff

summary: minho and jisung spend a quiet morning together

minho slowly awoke by the sun filtering through the blinds and on to his face. he let out a soft groan and tried to roll over, when he couldn't, he looked down and saw a sleeping squirrel tucked into his chest. he smiled softly and moved his arm back over the youngers waist to engulf him again, hoping he didn't wake him.

minho looked down at his beloved boyfriend in awe, memorizing his every feature. his squishy cheeks; his heart-shaped adam's apple - which constantly reminded him of his heart-shaped smile; his messy brown hair; his delicate skin; his caring eyes; his long lashes; his comforting lips; his cute nose, his-

the older felt a stir beneath him, breaking him out of his trance. he immediately pretended to be asleep, not wanting jisung to know he was awake yet. he didn't know why he didn't want jisung to know, he just didn't. he felt jisung's eyes on him for a moment, before hearing the younger contently smile and brush a hair out of minho's face, he wanted to smile so badly, but he kept his composure.

Soon jisung managed to convinve himself to get out of the comfortable bed and out of the security of his boyfriends arms to get some water and breakfast because he felt like he was dying.

it was still early and a golden glow of sun brushed through the kitchen when jisung opened the blinds. he felt calm. it was mornings like these where the ground was still wet from dew and the birds were still singing their songs that jisung felt the most at peace.

only one thing was missing.

the younger heard quiet footsteps echo through the kitchen and felt an arm snake around his waist. he turned around. there was his missing piece.

"good morning, angel." minho's raspy morning voice sang in jisung's ears making him blush slightly.

he sipped his water, "good morning, min." he replied before resting his forehead against his boyfriend's.

"what do you want for breakfast?" the older asked.

"i would love some cereal." minho laughed and rested his head on jisung's chest as he did.

"you're something else." he smiled while shaking his head. he stood up straight and made his way over to the cupboard to see if they had what he knew jisung liked. unfortunately, they had no cereal.

"we're all out, love, sorry." he turned to face the younger who just shrugged.

"waffles?" he suggested, to which jisung excitedly nodded.

"and an ice americano?"

"and an ice americano."


after they had finished eating and cleared up their dishes, minho decided to shower.

"want to come with?" jisung looked unsure. minho reached out his hand for jisung to take.

"i'm not going to force you, but it's nothing i haven't seen before. nothing's going to happen." after that reassurance jisung took his hand and was lead up to the bathroom.

they undressed and, when minho had made sure the water was the perfect temperature, stepped in.

"here, let me wash your hair, baby." minho got some product on his hand and began to work it into jisung's hair, massaging his head in the process.

"you've been so stressed out recently, take today to relax." minho spoke softly to the younger, almost as delicate as his touch, as if he were afraid that jisung would break if touched to harshly.

jisung hummed in response leaning into the older's touch, closing his eyes. it was a peaceful moment, an intimate moment, shared only between them two and no one else. the scent of vanilla floated around the room and only the sound of the water and quiet murmuring could be heard.

when they finished their shower, they helped each other dry off and dry each others hair. minho had always seen acts of service as a way to show his love and so was always their to help jisung even with the simplest things like buttoning up his shirt or tying his laces. today was no different, maybe minho was feeling extra affectionate today because he wanted to do everything for his boyfriend and would not leave him alone, which the younger was happily embracing for all he wanted to do was be close to minho and not do anything else.


it was 11 am by the time they'd settled on the sofa with one of minho's cats, soonie, to spend even more quality time together.

morning's spent together were always better than mornings spent alone. and when jisung knew he had minho to wake up to, morning was his favourite time of the day.

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