C96. Is This Your Determination?

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Chapter 96

In early April, the peonies at Dingguo Palace bloomed once again.

After a long rest in the afternoon, Yunzhu attended to some mundane tasks before strolling to the garden with Lian Qiao and Shiliu.

The doctor had advised her to rest during her pregnancy, but also encouraged engagement in appropriate activities, beneficial for both her and the baby.

Moving slowly through the garden, Yunzhu eventually settled in a pavilion within the peony garden to take a break.

The peonies had just blossomed, showcasing white, red, and yellow hues as the main colors.

Recently intrigued by painting, Yunzhu instructed a young maid to fetch an easel and drawing paper.

The practice of calligraphy and painting was seen as a means for self-cultivation and character development, time passing unnoticed amidst the pursuits.

Lian Qiao glanced at the sky with concern: "Madam, it looks as though it's going to rain. Perhaps we should return indoors?"

Yunzhu, who had just exchanged a sheet of drawing paper and begun creating a painting of a peony, responded without hesitation: "Don't worry, it will be more artistic when it rains."

It wouldn't be long before Cao Xun prepared for his duties and naturally came to collect her.

Lian Qiao ceased trying to persuade her, and she and Shiliu settled on small stools next to Madam, ready to assist with mixing colors at any moment.

The dark clouds in the sky grew heavier, and the rain began to fall, gradually quickening in pace.

At dusk, Cao Shao returned from the Hanlin Academy.

Having gotten slightly damp from the rain, he changed into dry clothes in the east courtyard. No longer feeling hungry, he idly watched the rain through the window for a while before suddenly desiring a walk in the garden.

He hadn't visited the garden in a while due to knowing Yunzhu's fondness for it. He wanted to see her but was apprehensive to do so. He feared that the maids familiar with their past would gossip, and worried it might reach his brother and lead to misunderstandings.

But since it was raining, he was certain the pregnant Yunzhu wouldn't have ventured outside.

Without summoning a servant, Cao Shao ventured to the garden alone, clutching a blue paper umbrella.

The raindrops fell on the lush leaves, the winding smooth bluestone paths, and also on the clear pool water nearby.

The garden, enveloped in rain, was serene and tranquil, as though he was the sole occupant.

Cao Shao ambled slowly, his mind clouded with thoughts.

He knew he shouldn't be so preoccupied anymore, but some matters were beyond his control. Yunzhu was pregnant and on the brink of motherhood. He wanted to extend his personal congratulations and care for her.

The less the opportunity to speak, the more memorable it would be.

As he rounded a dense thicket of green bamboo, Cao Shao inadvertently glanced ahead and suddenly spotted three figures seated in the pavilion adjacent to the peony garden. The two maids sported green shirts and white skirts, and the lady painting among them donned a peony pink gown, revealing a fair and lovely profile.

Cao Shao hesitated.

The raindrops, resembling delicate threads, shrouded that beautiful face in a misty, dreamlike veil.

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