C8. When Perfect Comes with an Age Gap Enigma.

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Chapter 8

Cao Xun luxuriated in a tranquil bath for thirty minutes, relishing the gradual easing of fatigue as the cooling water enveloped him. Stepping out refreshed, he exchanged his calming soak for a fresh set of off-white attire.

Though forged in the crucible of hardship during his military campaigns, where traversing treacherous borders held no fear, Cao Xun, the eldest son of the esteemed Dingguo household, harbored a refined spirit. When circumstances allowed, he embraced the finer things, a testament to his upbringing and appreciation for a life beyond the battlefield's brutal realities.

As the water's embrace surrendered its warmth, a wave of cool refreshment washed over Cao Xun, carrying away the remnants of his weariness like grains of sand swept clean by the tide. With renewed vigor, he emerged.

His form was enveloped in the gentle caress of soft, off-white garments. The fabric, like the water just moments before, held a subtle coolness that promised comfort against the approaching night. He stood tall, revitalized, and ready to face whatever awaited him, the cool caress of the cloth.

Basking in the bright afternoon sun, Cao Xun's senses were warmed by the spring sunshine.

The comfort of the moment made Ah Jiu feel a pleasant drowsiness, prompting a yawn. Upon catching sight of the new Duke, Ah Jiu's eyes twinkled, admiring the Duke's appearance and jesting about his potential allure.

"Dressed in that attire, you mirror the youthful grace of the Second Master himself. Your elegance would send ripples through the capital, causing even the most stoic maidens to blush."

Having endured years of jibes and even pressure from the Emperor himself, the Duke's desire for matrimony was undeniable. Ah Jiu, though young and inexperienced in matters of romance, understood the benefits of marriage and assumed the Duke sought the same.

Cao Xun, unaffected by the flattery, simply quipped, "Your praise is unnecessary."

Is it wrong to praise the Duke for his youthful appearance?

As Cao Xun strolled through the veranda to the front yard, the sun-dappled the red-painted pillars of the corridor. The craftsmanship, flawless and intricately painted, stood in stark contrast to his memories.

He recalled his frugal grandfather's aversion to unnecessary maintenance, resulting in a few speckled pillars in the courtyard's back house. However, the front yard boasted unmarred beauty, meticulously upheld to entertain guests—a practice his grandfather termed as "face-saving work."

Now that the Cao family boasts an Empress and the Empress' legitimate son has been appointed as Crown Prince, Pan's status has soared. Naturally, she has to renovate the Duke's mansion inside and out to reflect her newfound honor.

The front yard is located at the end of the verandah, on the left.

Azhou and Zhang Tai, the former general manager of the Duke's Mansion, were already waiting outside the study door.

Zhang Tai, who is of the same generation as Cao Xun's father, is over 50 years old with slightly white temples. His straight posture indicates his strength.

Upon seeing Cao Xun, Zhang Tai expressed mixed feelings of appreciation and satisfaction, saying: "The Duke has surpassed the old master. He reclaimed Jiuzhou at the young age of 30. They must have drunk hundreds of cups to celebrate."

Cao Xun smiled and replied: "How can I take credit for the contributions of generations of soldiers? Uncle Tai, please come in."

Zhang Tai followed him in, while Azhou remained outside to stand guard.

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