C91. Beyond Chills.

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Chapter 91

When they were still more than twenty miles away from Suzhou City, a gentle breeze suddenly began to blow.

It was clearly late October, but the air felt warm and inviting. The breeze, although cool, had a soft and gentle quality to it.

Even with the carriage draped in opulent silk curtains on all sides, there was still a hint of the breeze seeping through. To combat it, Yunzhu wrapped herself in a luxurious fox fur cloak, holding a heater in her arms, and tucking her feet into the warm pockets stuffed with Yu Pozi.

Before leaving Beijing, she knew that she would be spending the winter outside. Yunzhu had prepared meticulously under the guidance of her mother and sister-in-law, with some unexpected surprises prepared for her by Cao Xun.

Lian Qiao was also bundled up and nestled close to her mistress, ensuring that both master and servant were kept warm.

Yunzhu was no longer chilly, but listening to the gentle breeze outside made it seem difficult for the carriage to progress. It felt as if it would halt after just a few steps. She worried about Cao Xun and the others riding outside.

She knew there was no shelter from the wind in the middle of nowhere, so she decided to endure and arrive at Suzhou City in one go, then rest at the official residence.

Xie Lang and the guards had little to do. Cao Xun could at least come to the carriage and seek respite.

Yunzhu reached out from her cloak and made an effort to open a few layers of curtains on the right side.

Just as she allowed the curtains to show a crack, a rush of wind blew in, causing her to close her eyes quickly as stray tendrils of hair fluttered around her forehead and ears.

Suddenly, the wind subsided. Yunzhu opened her eyes and saw Cao Xun leaning over, shielding her from the wind with his imposing figure.

He looked down at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yunzhu had grown accustomed to his attentiveness. It was not the first time he had done so on their journey. Even when she overheard Cao Xun conversing with others, the slightest movement of the curtains would catch his immediate attention. He always had his focus on her and remained ready to assist her.

Looking at Cao Xun at that moment, his handsome face, bronzed from travel and training, was subdued by the wind.

Yunzhu whispered, "Come in."

Cao Xun smiled and responded in a hushed voice, "Xie Lang can endure it. It would be a jest if I sought refuge in the carriage. I am only in my early thirties, far from being old."

Yunzhu glared at him. "What does age have to do with it? He has no carriage to shelter in. Your esteemed general is patrolling the border. What's wrong with seeking refuge in the carriage for a while?"

The amusement in Cao Xun's eyes deepened as he teased her, "Do you feel sorry for me?"

Yunzhu lowered the curtains and covered them once more.

As she pouted, Lian Qiao coaxed her in a soft voice, "Madam, please don't be cross. This shows that our lord is a commendable general, willing to share both joy and sorrow with his soldiers. It is this quality that has earned him the respect of the soldiers on this journey."

Cao Xun had experienced the battlefield at sixteen, and by thirty, commanded thousands of troops. It was not only intellect but also the ability to capture the hearts of the troops that had brought him this far.

Yunzhu had heard her grandfather speak of many things from the battlefield. She could not help but understand this. But despite this, she felt a pang of coldness inside. Cao Xun hadn't even worn a cloak.

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