C87. A Nocturne in Raindrops.

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Chapter 87

Cao Xun's border patrol this time involved a walk along the Great Wall, beginning from Shanhaiguan in the east and ending in Jiayuguan in the west. He was required to oversee the troops for three to five days at each location. After completing the journey, he might not be able to return to the capital in time for the New Year.

Yunzhu desired to accompany him to immerse herself in the local customs and savor the regional delicacies, but she also worried about the challenges of the journey.

She sought her mother's advice at home.

Meng shi responded, "I certainly want you to go. I have always yearned to explore places beyond the capital, but have never had the opportunity."

Yunzhu remarked, "I've heard that the accommodations at the inns are subpar..."

Meng shi reassured her, "It may not be as comfortable as home, but can one experience the beauty of the world by staying within their comfort zone? Moreover, you won't be staying at the inn every night. The local officials will treat you well when you enter the city."

As Gu Min was about to encourage Yunzhu to embark on the journey, she felt a sudden discomfort in her stomach, covering her mouth. When Yunzhu looked over, her face turned red.

Meng shi smiled warmly, explaining, "She was recently diagnosed with a pregnancy. You will become an aunt next year."

Yunzhu's heart softened, as she adored Liu Jing's daughter, A Nian. The thought of welcoming her own nephew or niece brought her joy.

Yunzhu immediately went to her sister-in-law's side.

After listening to the conversations between her daughter and daughter-in-law, Meng shi advised her daughter, "It's still early for the baby to arrive. If you stay at home, time will seem to pass so slowly. Go for a walk with Fushan. By the time you return at the end of the year, it will only be a little over two months until your sister-in-law gives birth."

Yunzhu expressed concern, "I'm afraid we will still be on the road during the Chinese New Year."

Meng shi assured her, "Don't worry about it. We will have many New Years together in the future. This time is no different. If you miss it, you may not have the chance to travel with Fushan again."

Military generals often leave Beijing for battle and cannot bring their families when at war.

At first, Yunzhu had been contemplating the journey, but after receiving encouragement from her mother and sister-in-law, her hesitation vanished.

When Cao Xun asked her about it, she jokingly commented, "I didn't want to go, but my mother insisted on taking care of your food, clothing, and daily life. I thought she was nagging, so I had to agree."

Cao Xun looked at her with admiration and said, "Mother-in-law, she is worrying too much. It is my great fortune that my wife is willing to accompany me. How can I dare to trouble you to take care of me? It is my duty to serve my wife wholeheartedly."

Cao Xun's words were clearly flattering, earning a glare from Yunzhu.

Cao Xun smiled and embraced her.

After a brief moment of affection, Yunzhu warned, "I will go, but if the journey becomes too difficult, I may return with someone first."

The northern section from Shanhaiguan to Xuanzhou was just a few days' journey from the capital, allowing her to return on her own at any time.

Cao Xun assured her, "Okay, do as you please. I won't force you."


In mid-June, the hottest month in the capital, Cao Xun, the uncle of the Emperor, departed for a sultry border patrol outside the capital with a team of a hundred guards, accompanied by his elegant wife.

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