C35. I've Never Been Afraid.

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Chapter 35

Before falling asleep last night, Yunzhu was briefly angered by Cao Xun's presence in the front yard.

She wasn't truly upset by his company, but rather by the fact that he was the one who had initially wronged her, yet refused to apologize and instead initiated a cold war by sleeping separately. It was a point of contention for her.

Feeling unsettled, Yunzhu couldn't find rest in her bed. Not wanting to disturb the maids, she donned her coat, silently opened a window, and gazed at the moon from the sill.

The night sky was clear, the moon radiant. As she watched, she thought of the sorrow in Liu Jing's eyes and Zhang Xingjian's illness.

In the face of life and death, what importance did her disagreement with Cao Xun hold?

Exhausted and overcome with drowsiness, Yunzhu closed the window and returned to bed.

At dawn, she was comforted by Cao Xun, who quelled the renewed conflict. Physically and emotionally relieved, she anticipated a long sleep, but to her surprise, she was startled shortly after dawn.

Lian Qiao awoke to a scream, more than startled.

She wished to check if Madam had uncovered herself. The morning chill was fierce, and she was prepared to cover her shoulders.

As she circled the screen, she spotted a pair of men's boots beyond the gauze curtain.

The Duke had spent the night in the front courtyard!

The horrifying thought of "a thief in Madam's bed" prompted Lian Qiao's scream and near-fumbling of the screen.

Yunzhu opened her eyes. Cao Xun had already parted the gauze and inquired calmly, "What's the matter?"

Though Lian Qiao had only glimpsed one of Uncle Guo's hands, she recognized his voice. Trembling, she declared, "No, it's nothing. I, I didn't know you were here. I'll go now."

She swiftly left.

Cao Xun let the gauze fall and reclined on his pillow. Seeing the bewildered expression of the lady beside him, he smiled and assisted her with the quilt, "Would you like to rest a while longer?"

Yunzhu, observing his nonchalant expression, furrowed her brow and asked, "Lian Qiao stayed up all night to keep watch. Didn't she let you in? Why is she still afraid?"

Cao Xun looked at her and explained, "The verandah door was locked, and I didn't want to make a disturbance. I came in over the wall and noticed an open window on your side, so I didn't call for Lian Qiao."

Yunzhu remained silent.

Cao Xun continued, "If I had intentionally snubbed you last night, why would I go to such lengths this morning?"

Yunzhu's doubts were finally shaken. Was it true that he hadn't come in out of fear of saying the wrong thing while inebriated?

Despite this, Yunzhu was indignant at the thought of a thirty-year-old man scaling walls and windows.

"You brought this upon yourself," she said with a smile, giving him a stern look. "Next time, my doors and windows will be securely closed, and it will be futile for you to climb over the wall."

The bright morning light filtered through the gauze curtain, illuminating her disheveled hair as she awoke, but her eyes, like peach blossoms, were dewy and clear.

Cao Xun leaned in closer.


Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is customary for a married woman to bring her husband to her parents' home to present them with holiday gifts.

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