C72. The Extraordinary Aunt.

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Chapter 72

Entertained by Sun Guangfu, Yunzhu suddenly caught someone's gaze.

Turning toward the male guests observing the ceremony opposite, she instantly spotted Cao Xun, who stood out from the crowd. Despite the bright sunlight and everyone else's attention outside, his handsome and gentle countenance was directed towards her, his long, sharp eyes naturally fixed upon her.

Even as he smiled, Yunzhu's heart tightened.

He had detected her smile meant for another man, and with his perspicacity, he could discern that she was deliberately displaying it for Sun Guangfu.

Like a dark cloud suddenly appearing in a clear sky, Yunzhu's good mood was swiftly dampened. She lowered her gaze and offered a smile, then turned and made her way to the other courtyard where the female guests were dining.

The wedding banquet was splendid, but Yunzhu ate absentmindedly.

After the banquet concluded, Yunzhu accompanied the female guests outside and strolled around the screen wall within the gate of the Duke of Qi's mansion. She spotted Cao Xun already standing outside, engaging in conversation with Sun Chao, the Duke of Qi, who wore a smile and spoke with a hint of inebriation. Cao Xun listened amiably and interjected a few words from time to time. He appeared very amiable, devoid of any airs of a powerful minister.

Sun Guangfu, along with Xie Lang, Cao Shao, and others, would return after dining at the groom's official residence.

"Yunzhu is here. Is the food to your liking?" Sun Chao said with a smile, a hint of wine on his breath and a touch of sentimentality. "You young ladies, yesterday you were like fluttering butterflies among the flowers, and now you are all married, but you have found the best match. Look at Duke Dingguo—there is no one in the entire capital more handsome and talented than him."

He never forgot to praise Cao Xun.

Yunzhu appreciated the admiration Cao Shao, Xie Lang, and others expressed for Cao Xun. Observing an elder fawn over Cao Xun so openly, she felt a little uneasy and said with a smile, "Let's take our leave. It seems you have had a little too much to drink. It's best to drink less in the future, so Yurong won't continually worry about your health."

Being overweight not only affects one's physical appearance but also leads to various health issues.

"I understand. I'm just overly jubilant today. If your father had not been unwell, he would have certainly joined us for a few drinks," Sun Chao replied with a guilty conscience.

Yunzhu bid farewell with a smile and made her way toward the awaiting carriage.

Cao Xun assisted her into the carriage before boarding it himself.

At such gatherings, all the men were expected to partake in drinking. As soon as Cao Xun sat down, the scent of alcohol clinging to his body had already filled the carriage.

Yunzhu sat demurely, her eyes cast down.

Cao Xun gently held the young lady on his lap and inquired, "Why do you seem troubled by Duke Qi mentioning my father-in-law?"

Yunzhu responded dispassionately, "No, I am simply feeling fatigued after a morning of socializing."

Cao Xun tenderly massaged her shoulders.

Yunzhu observed his elegant and commanding fingers, firmly gripping her shoulders with ease, yet providing comfort.

Despite her lack of enthusiasm, she remained prepared to confront his enigmatic presence.

This person was indeed duplicitous, always seeking to point out her faults under the pretense of other matters, suggesting that he had caught her.

However, despite waiting anxiously, Duke Dingguo did not confront her.

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