C44. My Word Stands: You Will Be Safe.

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Chapter 44

Yunzhu had spent the majority of the last two days in her parents' petite courtyard, brimming with excitement at the prospect of gaining a sister-in-law with a similar disposition.

So when Li Xian returned from the martial arts arena and regarded them with a rare expression of uncertainty, both Yunzhu and her mother were taken aback.

Indeed, Li Xian had not shown any particular reaction when he learned the day prior that his elder brother might be betrothing himself to Gu Min.

Meng shi teased her youngest son, "Could it be that you are also a gallant rescuing a maiden fair?"

At fourteen, her youngest son had several more years before Meng shi would have to worry about him.

Li Xian paused, inquiring, "Where have my father and my elder brother hurled off to?"

Meng shi replied, "Your father has gone to compete with Marquis Changxing, and your elder brother has gone fishing."

"Fishing?" Li Xian exclaimed. "How can he have the patience for such an activity?"

Meng shi smiled and remarked, "If Mr. Gu desires fish soup, it will undoubtedly be made from a fish captured by your elder brother."

Meng shi harbored a dislike for their eldest son, and she assumed Mr. Gu probably held a similar antipathy. Certainly, a strategy would be necessary to handle this potential son-in-law.

Mr. Gu's method of tormenting his brother brought to mind Yunzhu's late grandfather. Underneath the harsh animosity, there lay concern and anticipation.

Yunzhu inquired of her brother, "Mother mentioned that you were summoned by the Emperor, but what did the Emperor say?"

Li Xian beckoned for the serving maids to step back and then, in a low voice, revealed, "In the martial arts field earlier, the Emperor asked me to be a companion to His Second Highness."

Meng shi and Yunzhu were both speechless for a long while.

Every prince would have several companions, all selected from noble families for their intelligence.

There was the Crown Prince, the disabled eldest prince, and the Second Prince, but the latter two were certainly not of a higher background than the Crown Prince.

Although Li Xian was not the Duke's heir, his status as the son of Duke Ningguo made him Emperor Yuan Qing's top choice as the Crown Prince's companion. Adding to that, the relationship between Emperor Yuan Qing and Li Yong hinted at the Emperor's dual expectations: wholehearted support for the Crown Prince from the Li family, and continued use of the highly trusted Li family in the future.

This arrangement was akin to a strategic alliance, favorable for both the prince and the Li family.

However, things went awry due to Li Yong's three successive defeats, causing the Crown Prince to fall out of favor with Li Xian.

The bond between the Crown Prince and the Li family had ruptured. So, when Emperor Yuan Qing appointed Li Xian to be companion to the Second Prince, it raised many questions.

The news caused a stir throughout Nanyuan.

Meanwhile, Li Yao was still cursing and fishing by the lake. Upon hearing the news, Li Yong, in the midst of a fierce battle with Xie Zhen, broke into a cold sweat, prompting him to hurriedly leave with Xie Zhen sporting a smug expression.

Li Yong rushed to the palace to seek an audience with Emperor Yuan Qing.

Upon entering Emperor Yuan Qing's study, he discovered Gu Shoufu's presence. Perhaps because he had refrained from partaking in the fish soup, Gu Shoufu, still weak from heat stroke, appeared a bit haggard but was dutifully playing chess with Emperor Yuan Qing.

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