C59. Rain-Kissed Bliss.

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Chapter 59

Yunzhu intentionally waited until news emerged from the palace that her brother was set to subdue the bandits, before instructing the steward to prepare the carriage and returning to Duke Ningguo's mansion with an anxious countenance.

Li Yao had not yet returned, but he would need to leave early the next morning. Meanwhile, Meng shi and Gu Min were preoccupied with his packing.

Upon seeing Yunzhu, Gu Min was the first to attempt to console her: "He is only going to Fuzhou to quell the bandits. With his capabilities, he will easily apprehend them. There is no need for you to worry."

She vividly remembered Yunzhu's tears when her younger brother-in-law departed from Beijing and was concerned that she might cry again this time.

Glancing at her sister-in-law's expression, Yunzhu remarked, "My sister-in-law didn't shed a single tear. Am I truly more reluctant to bid farewell to my elder brother than my sister-in-law?"

Gu Min responded with a resentful gaze before turning away, her face blushing.

Observing from the sidelines, Meng shi interjected with a smile, "A Min, don't be embarrassed. The next time your brother-in-law goes to war, you can also tease her."

Yunzhu challenged, "You are too partial. Does the daughter-in-law you marry cherish you more than your own daughter?"

Meng shi playfully attempted to twist her daughter's ear.

It was evident that this time, in comparison to Li Xian's previous departure from Beijing, there was no cause for concern about Yunzhu. After all, it was typical for military attaches to deploy troops. In the past, the old Duke of Guo had to go to battle every two years. She had been through it herself, and every member of the family was accustomed to this scene.

On the surface, Gu Min appeared at ease, yet her heart was already in turmoil.

Li Yao returned just before noon. Upon seeing his sister at home, he instructed the maids to give them privacy, then asked with a frown, "How has Cao Xun treated you since the late emperor's passing? He did not mistreat you due to the emperor's attitude toward our family, did he?"

Both Meng shi and Gu Min were roused by these words and looked at Yunzhu.

Yunzhu inquired, "Brother, are you aware that he recommended you to suppress the bandits in front of the Emperor?"

Li Yao confirmed, "Yes, when the Emperor issued the decree, Cao Xun and all the ministers in the cabinet were present."

Gu Min frowned, while Yunzhu smiled, "Even though the Emperor is young, he also harbors some calculation in his heart."

Gu Min expressed to her husband, "Duke Dingguo suggested this for your own benefit. Your upright character and prolonged stay in the capital might prompt the Emperor to make impulsive decisions, risking mistakes. Engaging in practical activities outside the capital will bring tranquility."

Her daughter-in-law and daughter pondered on her words, but Meng shi remained silent.

Li Yao reassured, "It doesn't matter how he treats me, as long as he doesn't mistreat my sister."

Initially, Yunzhu had no intention to cry, yet her brother's words made her eyes reddened. She was about to leave Beijing but remained preoccupied with thoughts about her, the sister who seemed to require no worry.

Following lunch, Yunzhu arranged to bid her brother farewell along with the family the next morning and departed.

Seeing off an elder brother differed from sending off a younger one. The younger brother was not yet married, so his mother and sister were his closest kin. The elder brother was already married. Gu Min surely had much to discuss with her elder brother. If Yunzhu kept monopolizing her elder brother, what would it imply?

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