C98. One Month Old Celebration.

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Chapter 98

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, Duke Ningguo's mansion hosted a lavish banquet. Yunzhu, in the midst of her confinement period at home, could not attend, so her son-in-law, Cao Xun, had to attend alone.

As for Pan Shi and Cao Shao, the Li family deliberately did not extend an invitation due to the old grudge resulting from the broken promise of their marriage.

Before leaving, Cao Xun embraced Yunzhu and assured her, "I will return after the dinner, it won't take long."

Upon his departure, Yunzhu visibly relaxed, her previously tense body now at ease.

Little Yu primarily eats and sleeps, with a wet nurse tending to his needs. Yunzhu has very little to do, aside from periodically embracing her son when she's feeling particularly inclined to do so. Her relaxed state has led to a speedy recovery, with her body almost fully healed after half a month. Her only discomfort lies in the inability to bathe or wash her hair.

It's this rule that Yunzhu finds intolerable.

Although her body is in good condition, her long hair remains unwashed. The maids have only been able to partially clean it for fear that she may catch a cold. Yunzhu worries that Cao Xun may detect a hint of sweat when he embraces her.

As a first-time father, Cao Xun has not left the home during this period, except for a visit to the palace and another to the Li family to pay New Year respects. Today, for the first time in a while, he ventured out again. When the temperature rose near noon, Yunzhu promptly called for the maids to prepare a bath.

Fearful of catching a cold, she made thorough preparations, ensuring the room was warm and that proper precautions were taken. The midwife instructed her not to sit in the tub, so she stood instead, cleansing herself thoroughly before dressing warmly and reclining on the couch, her maid Shiliu tending to her hair.

As the warm water washed over her, Yunzhu couldn't help but release a sigh of pleasure.

Observing her with a hint of exasperation, Lian Qiao remarked, "You may be comfortable, but we fear Master Duke will return and scold us."

To which Yunzhu replied confidently, "What's there to fear? You are all under my care. If he dares to harm you, I will make the decision for you."

Unaware of the activities transpiring at home, Cao Xun had spent the entire morning with his in-laws and rushed back immediately after the meal.

The backyard was tranquil, indicating that Baby Yu had likely been put to sleep by his wet nurse.

The two maids stationed outside the secondary room seemed to shy away for some unknown reason. Without hesitation, Cao Xun ventured into the inner room.

The gauze curtain of the Babu bed hung gracefully, and as Cao Xun approached, a familiar fragrance of floral dew wafted through the air, Yunzhu's signature scent.

Upon pulling back the curtain, he beheld the young lady lying with her back to him. Her long, lustrous black hair cascaded like billowing clouds, unadorned by the silk scarf she had worn over the past few days. Her hair seemed untamed, finally liberated from its constraints, voluminous and soft, resting upon her shoulder and even touching her rosy cheeks.

Accustomed to seeing her hair kept in place, Cao Xun was momentarily taken aback by this newfound nonchalance.

Unbeknownst to him, Yunzhu had feigned sleep upon hearing Cao Xun's return.

Finding Cao Xun standing by her bedside, motionless, she turned and lifted her eyes to meet his gaze.

Her delicate profile was enchanting, her lively eyes as captivating as a water's surface, her flushed cheeks beguiling. Averting his eyes subconsciously, Cao Xun seated himself beside the bed, tenderly gathering her hair in his hand, his face a mix of concern and resignation. "Have you only washed your hair, or have you also taken a bath?"

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