C56. Can You Confirm Everything Is Ok?

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Chapter 56

Cao Xun quickly recovered from his momentary heaviness, treating it as just a passing joke, and soon took Yunzhu out to dinner.

Yet, the more calmly he acted, the more Yunzhu found herself pondering.

After being married for so long, Yunzhu understood the process of conceiving a child. It was simply a man giving part of himself to the woman, like a farmer planting seeds in the soil. She didn't need to compare with other men to know that Cao Xun had given her a lot.

Xie Wenying and Prince An had married half a year after them and had already announced the good news of the princess's impending arrival.

Yunzhu believed there was nothing wrong with her body, nor would her menstruation have much impact, so...

While eating absentmindedly, Yunzhu discreetly glanced at Cao Xun.

Could it be that his vitality had truly diminished due to his injuries and that the seeds he produced were no longer viable?

This kind of situation was not uncommon. Some men may appear strong but lack the substance, just as some fruits may look appealing but taste bland.

"What are you thinking?" Cao Xun suddenly inquired.

Yunzhu quickly averted her gaze. She couldn't afford for Cao Xun to doubt himself. As a wife, she had to be careful not to raise any suspicions.

She found a diversion: "I plan on going out tomorrow. Are you busy?"

Cao Xun assured her he wasn't occupied and asked where she wanted to go.

Yunzhu proposed a visit to the temple, intending to offer prayers for her brother's safe journey.

Cao Xun seemed to accept this explanation and resumed his meal.

Yunzhu dared not be distracted any longer. After dinner, they strolled in the garden before returning to wash up and retire for the night.

As they lay down, Yunzhu couldn't help but be reminded of their desire for children. Regardless of his age, Cao Xun was still a flesh and blood person, with all the emotions that come with it.

Yunzhu felt the urge to speak up.

She slowly drew near and embraced him from the back. Because of Cao Xun's broad shoulders, Yunzhu's arms circled his narrow waist, her palms tenderly resting on his chest.

Cao Xun held the little lady's hand and murmured softly, "Do you want it?"

Yunzhu playfully poked him with her fingertips, "You know I just want to hug you, that's all."

Cao Xun smiled, "Fair enough."

He instinctively clasped her slender fingers, savoring the moment.

Yunzhu paused and asked, "Have you truly suffered many injuries?"

Cao Xun guided her hand to his waist.

Yunzhu soon felt a one-inch scar, hidden beneath the sturdy muscles of his body. Even if she had embraced that area before, she had not noticed it. She was simply not inclined to explore his body when she was awake. However, how could she have missed such a mark when she was fully conscious?

Cao Xun explained, "When I was eighteen, a Hu general challenged me to a duel. Just as he was about to lose, a Hu soldier attacked me from behind with a knife. It pierced through my armor and left a scar as long as a finger."

Yunzhu felt a sharp pang as if she had been stabbed herself. She wasn't simply pitying Cao Xun—it was an instinctive response.

It brought her father to mind.

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