C55. Me-morphosis?

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Chapter 55

If a person is feeling discontent, engaging in an indulgent activity may help to alleviate those heavy emotions.

Some individuals may opt to consume alcohol, others may choose to practice martial arts, and still others may decide to spend money extravagantly.

In that moment, Yunzhu felt disinterested in anything, until Cao Xun ignored Pan Shi and uplifted her spirits. When he leaned in for another kiss, Yunzhu did not resist.

During the time of national mourning and out of fear of an unintended pregnancy, Cao Xun exercised great restraint, ensuring that the couple did not conceive to avoid scrutiny.

Following this, Li Xian was about to depart with King Li to join the feudal clan. Unable to bear the thought of leaving her brother, Yunzhu returned to her parents' home for three nights.

Cao Xun pondered over this little farewell and when the young lady lay in his arms again, he found it difficult to hold back despite his initial compliance.

Yunzhu viewed this as a method to alleviate her melancholy.

She paid no attention to whether the maids outside could hear her, simply acting as she desired.

Night fell and she surrendered completely into Cao Xun's embrace.

For over half an hour, they were the sole occupants of the house. Lian Qiao and the others had withdrawn to the verandah corner, refraining from interrupting the masters' privacy.

Thus, the room was shrouded in darkness, the only sound being that of light rain against the window paper.

Yunzhu leaned back, Cao Xun's slender yet sturdy right hand firmly cradling the back of her head. He could see, at such close proximity, Yunzhu's damp and closed eyelids, and a solitary bead of sweat or tear sliding along her skin. His own warm breath cascaded across her cheeks. Her lips remained parted as Cao Xun kissed her once more, prepared to continue at her request.

Just as he was about to touch her luscious lips, Yunzhu leisurely shifted her head in his grasp.

It was in this moment that Cao Xun smiled and summoned a maid.

Yunzhu responded with a vague hum.

Shortly after, the water was readied, and Cao Xun gently transported her into the bath.

Having expended all her energy in the preceding scene, Yunzhu now lay languidly on his shoulder, allowing him to take care of everything.

Cao Xun carefully conveyed his sentiments to his young wife.

"Brother Xian will undoubtedly lead troops in the future. It would be beneficial for him to gain more experience by travelling to different places while he is still young."

"As a prince and the third son of Duke Ningguo, no local officials would dare to openly disrespect them, regardless of their attempt to discern divine will," he continued.

"In fact, Guizhou is not as destitute as one might imagine, as it is merely distant from the capital. The region boasts stunning landscapes, with warm winters and cool summers. The scorching heat is akin to the early summer weather in Beijing, without the need for ice."

Considering the previous abundance of beautiful women in the area, Cao Xun expressed, "There are surely splendid women in Guizhou. Perhaps Brother Xian will encounter a few admirers during his stay."

Upon hearing this, Yunzhu finally replied with a scoff, "If you boast about your status as his brother, what concern is it of yours whether the women are attractive or not?"

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