C76. "Uncle, Why Don't You Go Fight Them?"

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Chapter 76

Cao Xun's conversation took a curious turn. He dropped hints about the differences between youth and adulthood, leaving Yunzhu with a distinct feeling that his words carried a hidden message. However, her usual nonchalance kept her from diving into speculation.

She preferred him to be upfront with his meaning. Otherwise, she'd play along, feigning ignorance and refusing to be drawn into whatever game he was playing. Lavish gifts, whether a thousand or two thousand taels, held no sway over her.

The first day of the New Year came and went without much fanfare. On the second day of the lunar holiday, Yunzhu headed back to her parents' place. This time, Cao Xun only joined them for lunch before taking his leave in the afternoon. He mentioned he'd be back to pick her up on the fifth day.

As Yunzhu saw her husband off, her mother, Meng Shi, offered some gentle words. "Fushan's got a demanding job, even during the holidays. There's always something going on at the Governor's Mansion. It's tough only having a short window to see your parents each year. But try not to let it cause any arguments, alright? No point in holding onto resentment."

For some reason, Meng Shi always felt that the young couple were at odds about something, despite the pleasant smiles they maintained.

Yunzhu smiled and replied, "You worry too much. I am not so immature. Besides, I feel more at ease when he returns. Otherwise, I would fret over whether he might grow bored staying here."

Cao Xun was indeed occupied. Following the late emperor's passing, everyone's status in Dingguo Palace had significantly improved. He received numerous invitations to banquets this year, some of which he could not decline.

In addition to these official engagements, Cao Xun also had his own private affairs to attend to, meeting certain individuals and addressing various documents. Under such circumstances, his freedom was restricted by residing at the Ningguo Duke's mansion.

On the fifth day, he arrived at Ningguo's mansion early to play chess and converse with his father-in-law. After lunch, he escorted Yunzhu to the carriage.

"Are you upset?" he inquired in the carriage, embracing his young lady whom he had not seen for three days.

Yunzhu glanced at him and responded, "I am an adult now. I cannot act petulantly with you anymore."

Cao Xun smiled, cupped her face with one hand, and kissed her.

Cao Xun's kiss was tender and prolonged, like the gentle spring rain. At first glance, it seemed lacking in potency. However, upon closer inspection, one would realize that the rain had already penetrated the soil in the field and washed the leaves, rendering them verdant and lustrous, a large droplet hanging from the tip of each leaf like a fishing line.

Yunzhu, only twenty years old, found herself unable to resist such a gesture.

Her delicate, fair hands gradually ascended his broad shoulders and then encircled his neck.

It was at that moment when the invisible barrier vanished, if only for a fleeting moment.


There were no grand festivities in the palace on New Year's Eve, but with the commencement of the new era name, Qianxing, marking the beginning of a new year, the Lantern Festival of the first year of Qianxing was sure to be a splendid affair.

On the night of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Emperor Qianxing hosted a banquet for all the ministers in the palace, including Dukes like Li Yong, who were otherwise idle in their abodes.

However, amidst the flattery from the civil and military ministers, Emperor Qianxing's thoughts were elsewhere. His desire was to visit Cining Palace, hoping for an opportunity to speak with the enchanting lady alone once more.

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