C62. There's A Skill In Handling A Wife Or Husband,

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Chapter 62

Emperor Qianxing had displayed his "filial piety" in the presence of his beautiful aunt, leaving him with no further reason to linger. With Eunuch Wan and the others, he departed first.

Yunzhu made her way to the shade cast by the palace wall, patiently awaiting Yuci's chariot.

The maid guiding the way hailed from Empress Dowager Cao's contingent. Yunzhu observed the maid casting furtive glances in her direction.

Yunzhu chose to pretend not to notice.

She sensed that Emperor Qianxing harbored a special regard for her. Eunuchs and maids are astute observers of human behavior, so it was not unusual for them to pick up on such subtle nuances.

Nevertheless, Emperor Qianxing was just twelve years old. It was conceivable that he treated her with added respect due to his esteem for his aunt.

Whether it was merely a child’s innocent appreciation of beauty, who could be certain that Emperor Qianxing entertained such audacious musings?

Even Yunzhu herself was unable to ascertain the enigmatic thoughts of the young king.

Attractive individuals, whether male or female, are naturally inclined to draw more attention and favor compared to those with ordinary appearances. Height, temperament, and other visible attributes also factor into this equation.

For instance, if a blacksmith has two apprentices—one attractive and the other not so—the master and other individuals at the blacksmith shop would typically afford the attractive one preferential treatment. This kind of favoritism differs subtly from romantic affection; it's merely a case of "pleasing to the eye."

In addition to its superficial qualities, attractive individuals often contend with numerous travails and perils, especially beautiful women from modest backgrounds. They are susceptible to being targeted by unscrupulous men, either being forcefully taken as wives or concubines, or sold into brothels. Some may even be seized by street ruffians and subjected to grievous harm—with no guarantee of survival.

Yunzhu was the noble daughter of Duke Ningguo, not reliant on her beauty as a means to secure the wealth and protection provided by her family. Instead, her beauty garnered the admiration and preference of everyone, incited envy among her peers, and invited the obsequiousness and love of men. It afforded her the confidence to marry whomever she desired, much like the swift approach of Cao Xun, who, after a few glances, sought her hand in marriage.

Four young eunuchs clad in azure transported a chariot beneath a moon gate, trailing behind two palace maids who upheld long-handled umbrellas. Alongside them was a steward eunuch.


"Madam, please?"

The steward eunuch addressed the resplendent beauty before him, extending a helping hand as Yunzhu prepared to embark into the carriage.

As the Duke of Dingguo and the great uncle of the Emperor, Cao Xun and his wife were addressed differently within and outside the palace. It was not uncommon for the same individual to be called by distinct names in varying settings.

Yunzhu was unaccustomed to requesting service from a eunuch. Yet, ignoring the assistance from the eunuch in charge at that moment would have been a blatant affront to his dignity.

She acquiesced and placed her hand in his.

The eunuch in charge earnestly aided Yunzhu as she stepped into the carriage.

The entire chariot was crafted from exquisite mahogany, with the seat adorned with soft, luxurious silk cushions. A circular assortment of identical cushions also enveloped the backrest.

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