C34. "As Soon As I Sober up, I Will Apologize."

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Chapter 34

The residence of the Marquis of Huai'an.

Liu Jing wrung out the towel and approached the bed to assist her husband with his care.

Zhang Xingjian took hold of her hand. "You are with child, my dear. Please do not exert yourself. I will manage on my own."

Liu Jing replied, "It's only five months; I am not that fragile. I have already given birth once before. Why can't you understand?"

Unable to refuse his wife, Zhang Xingjian reluctantly removed his clothes to cooperate.

Despite not having imbibed that evening, he still exuded the faint smell of alcohol, as if he had returned to a time when he could freely indulge.

Liu Jing's gaze lowered as she tenderly caressed her husband's slender form, her vision blurring with emotion.

She still held vivid memories of the handsome young man who had rode past her house on horseback. She remembered him getting drunk on their wedding night and apologizing to her with a flushed face. She remembered a snowy winter, when he had feared she might freeze her feet and carried her on his back, leaving a trail of footprints in the pristine snow.

So many sweet moments came and went like water.

Lying on her husband's back, Liu Jing quietly dabbed away her tears with the towel.

Zhang Xingjian sensed his wife's emotions and purposely broached the subject of the evening's banquet. "What do you think of Cao Xun's wife's demeanor?"

After all, their daughter was about the same age as Yunzhu. Zhang Xingjian had picked up a few details about Yunzhu from their daughter. Despite having a son of their own, the couple was not very social, so Zhang Xingjian didn't know much about his good brother's new wife.

Yet he was concerned and wished for Cao Xun to have a happy marriage.

Liu Jing smiled and replied, "She still has the temperament of a young lady. I wonder if the Duke has the patience to placate her."

Marriage is a threshold; when some women step through it, they instinctively set aside their prior temperament, striving to emulate the prudent behavior of their elders. Zhao shi had been like this, and so was she. However, Liu Jing could see that Yunzhu was not an ordinary woman. Her eyes were as lively and perceptive as when she was single, embodying the vibrancy of a freshly blooming peony.

A steadfast wife would take care of her husband, but a delicate young lady would require more attention from her husband.

Regarding Cao Xun, Zhang Xingjian was well acquainted and replied to his wife, "He is already married, so naturally he is willing to placate her."

Liu Jing added, "Yes. At first glance, the Duke seems to be a gentle person."

Zhang Xingjian's shoulders twitched twice. Feeling perplexed, Liu Jing looked ahead to see her husband pressing his fist against his lips, as if trying to suppress a laugh.

Alarmed and irritated, Liu Jing asked, "Why are you laughing? Did I say something wrong?"

Zhang Xingjian composed himself and explained to his wife, "If you had seen Fushan in his youth, you would never praise him for being gentle. It's just that as his official status has risen, it's difficult to act as capriciously as before. Observe closely. Look at the seasoned officials; very few are willing to easily reveal their true temperament and can smile like a gentle spring breeze when facing their political opponents."

Liu Jing was bewildered. "You first said the Duke is willing to placate Yunzhu, and then you said he is not a gentle person. Isn't that contradictory?"

Zhang Xingjian clarified, "What I meant is that if he is fond of his younger wife, then naturally he is inclined to placate her."

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