C92. Get Well Soon!

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Chapter 92

Across generations, blood bound them. Marquis Pingxi's grandson, Xie Lang, and his ancestor, Cao Xun, stood united, forging a connection across time amidst the din of war.

Last night, candlelight painted warm hues on Cen Hao's face as he spoke with Xie Lang, their talk carrying the weight of history and the anticipation of war before going to bed in the middle of the night.

In the early morning, the two young men rose and finished their breakfast. Upon learning that Cao Xun had summoned a doctor, Xie Lang and Cen Hao rushed to visit immediately.

Ah Jiu first came to relay the message to the masters.

The doctor proceeded to take Cao Xun's pulse, while Yunzhu observed from the side.

Cao Xun glanced in her direction.

Yunzhu arched an eyebrow, "Do you want me to leave the room?"

If Cao Xun's condition wasn't too severe, and they were all planning to travel to Jiayuguan together, there was no need for excessive formality, unless Cao Xun preferred for her not to hear the doctor's diagnosis or had other ideas in mind.

Cao Xun smiled and replied, "No, they are both like younger brothers to me; there's no need to observe such formalities."

Ah Jiu then ushered the two noble gentlemen in.

Yunzhu was considered as the sister-in-law to both of them, so she nodded in acknowledgment and greeted them. Xie Lang disregarded her and ventured with Cen Hao over to Cao Xun's side.

At that moment, the doctor finished his assessment and stated, "The Duke is indeed afflicted with wind and cold. Based on the pulse, there are no serious concerns at the moment. Let's start with a three-day herbal remedy. We will adjust the prescription based on the progression of symptoms later."

Wind-cold is a condition that most people will experience with or without medication, showing typical symptoms such as coughing, headaches, and runny nose.

Cao Xun glanced at Yunzhu once more, "See, I told you it's nothing serious. You didn't need to call for the doctor."

Yunzhu replied, "Of course, the symptoms are mild at the beginning. By starting medication early, you can recover quickly. Must you wait until the cough becomes severe before seeking treatment?"

The young lady raised her eyebrows, and Cao Xun shook his head helplessly.

Xie Lang interceded with a smile, "Sister-in-law is simply concerned about your well-being and fears any delays in your recovery."

Cao Xun glanced at him and remarked, "It's just a minor wind and cold; it's of no consequence at the military camp."

Yunzhu couldn't be bothered with his stubbornness and led Lian Qiao to the backyard.

Not long after, Marquis Pingxi along with several military attaches gathered at the official residence. Yunzhu donned her cloak and walked out alongside Cao Xun.

All the military attaches were aware that Yunzhu was a general's daughter and saw no issue with her accompanying her husband to Jiayuguan. Moreover, the military attaches didn't place as much emphasis on formalities as the civilian officials did.

Marquis Pingxi smiled at Yunzhu, then turned to Cao Xun, and suggested, "Chen Hao mentioned you've caught wind and cold, and the weather isn't favorable today. Why not tend to it first, and we can depart in two days?"

Cao Xun laughed, "It's merely a cold; please stop teasing me."

Yunzhu observed from the sidelines and witnessed genuine embarrassment on his face for the first time.

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