C5. Healing After Heartbreak: Moving Beyond Regret.

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The Great Xia Dynasty, under the leadership of Gu Shoufu's reforms and the military prowess of the three generations of the Cao family, seized the opportunity to reclaim the lost Kyushu. Cao Xun, the third generation of Duke Dingguo, played a pivotal role in this triumph.

As the people in the capital indulged in the festive atmosphere, and Duke Dingguo made arrangements for a banquet, exhilarating news arrived from the border. Cao Xun and his troops swiftly captured Suzhou and Jiayuguan, while the Hu people suffered a significant blow from a rare snowstorm, weakening their strength. Fearing further advancement by Cao's army, the Hu people sought peace with the Xia Dynasty, offering gold, silver, and horses as tribute.

The continuous warfare had depleted the imperial treasury, leading Emperor Yuan Qing to deliberate with the cabinet and ultimately accept the Hu people's peace proposal.

Despite the financial strain, Cao Xun's military achievements heightened the prestige of Duke Dingguo's mansion in the capital city.

All relatives and friends who received invitations from the Cao family arrived at the banquet, each bearing lavish and meticulously chosen gifts to honor the occasion. The sight of carriages queuing in front of the Dingguo mansion drew a crowd of curious onlookers who gathered with their own snacks to witness the spectacle unfolding.

The master's house exuded an aura of splendor and elegance, and the maids and servants of Duke Dingguo's mansion carried themselves with a sense of pride and busyness, joyfully attending to their duties.

Amidst the opulent affair, Pan shi, adorned in her finest attire, hosted and engaged the female family members with warmth and grace. Meanwhile, Cao Shao, despite facing personal turmoil due to a setback in his marriage and being the last remaining male in the Cao family, valiantly masked his struggles to fulfill the responsibility of entertaining the male guests, a vital role for the event.

Born as the second son of Duke Dingguo, and later ascending to the esteemed position of the younger Imperial Uncle, Cao Shao displayed a genteel and affable demeanor, effortlessly engaging in conversations with peers of his age as well as the elder male guests. His presence captivated the female relatives, particularly the unmarried ladies who eagerly stole glances at him whenever the opportunity arose.

Unbeknownst to Cao Shao's company, his gaze recurrently wandered to a corner in the alley, where he anxiously waited for the elusive arrival of the carriage from Duke Ningguo's mansion. Alas, to his dismay, the carriage failed to appear even as the last guest was welcomed at the door.

Despite the rare and delightful weather in the twelfth lunar month, characterized by bright sunshine and the absence of wind and sand, Cao Shao's heart sank into the depths of an icy despair.

In the back house, the familiar ladies exchanged hushed glances, their acute observational skills honed from years of living in the capital. Though unfamiliar with the intricacies of the capital city, they were the first to notice any shift or change within the family of a high-ranking official in the capital. These ladies grasped the subtlest of clues.

Madam Qi of Duke Guogong, Sun Yurong's mother, was known for her outspoken nature. After scanning the room and failing to locate Meng shi and her daughter, Yunzhu, she turned to Pan shi and inquired directly, "Sister, why can't I see Duke Ningguo's Madam? And where is Yunzhu? This seems like a time when they should both be drawing attention."

With a father as captivating as Li Yong, it's no wonder Li Yunzhu has blossomed into a fairy-like beauty. Everywhere she goes, she exudes the radiant presence of a shining phoenix, outshining all other beauties.

Although some women may envy or feel overshadowed by her beauty, others can't help but feel they too would be as captivating if they possessed Li Yunzhu's beauty.

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