C74. Shifting Perspectives: What Time Unveils.

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Chapter 74

Gu Min felt a profound sorrow at her natal family's departure from the capital, yet she did not wish to cause concern to her husband's family.

"Echoing my grandfather's words, taking a step back illuminates the world, and your family's well-being is paramount. Grandfather and the rest are open-minded and untroubled by the allure of officialdom."

"Mother, Yunzhu, there is truly no need for your reassurance. I comprehend everything."

Sitting in the Nuan Pavilion, Gu Min smiled tenderly and serenely, resembling an orchid that appears delicate but is unafraid of the elements.

Meng Shi embraced her daughter-in-law with compassion. "Sweet girl, do not fret. Even though your father and the others are distant, I am still here in the capital. Regard me as your secondary mother. If ever you have grievances, confide in me. I will defend you, whatever the circumstance."

Gu Min's eyes glistened with tears, and she leaned on her mother-in-law's shoulder, looking at Yunzhu through tearful laughter. "See, Mother deliberately causes me to shed tears again."

Yunzhu played along. "Not only do they cause you to cry, but they also incite my envy. It is not so effortless for me."

Meng Shi turned and drew her daughter to her side, and the two young women embraced her together.

After Meng Shi departed, Gu Min regarded her sister-in-law, who appeared even more forlorn than she and tenderly remarked, "It is not entirely disheartening news. At least the heir is returning. If he departs swiftly, he may be able to return in time for the Lantern Festival. Otherwise, it may be unattainable. He is certain to arrive in Beijing in early February."

The young woman yearned for her husband, who was journeying far away. This put her in a somewhat vulnerable position. Gu Min had already lowered her gaze, her fair countenance blushing.

Yunzhu comprehended her sister-in-law's attempt to ease her anxiety. After all, her biological parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents had just departed. How could her sister-in-law not pine for her brother immediately?

"Indeed, I miss my brother as well. Fortunately, I have my sister-in-law, a female military advisor, who has made significant contributions to my brother."


Yunzhu dined at home before departing.

However, once she boarded the carriage, Yunzhu found it impossible to maintain a cheerful disposition and unconsciously furrowed her brow.

She missed her brother dearly, but was it truly wise for him to return to Beijing at this time?

The young Emperor had even dismissed his first assistant on a whim and exhibited increasingly arrogant behavior without any restraint. Although his father should have been no longer involved in official matters, there were concerns regarding her brother's temperament.

Yunzhu, feeling distressed, spent the entire afternoon honing her calligraphy skills in the study.

Seeking solace, she focused on the meticulous strokes of the brush, hoping to find respite from the tumultuous thoughts troubling her mind.

"Madam, please allow yourself to rest. Your arms must be weary after such extensive practice," remarked Lian Qiao, her compassion for her mistress evident.

Lian Qiao and Shiliu expressed not only sympathy for their mistress but also for the precious rice paper, observing that she was using it merely as an outlet for her vexation. This ritualistic form of artistry was a privilege reserved for her, and they lamented to see it put to waste.

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