C14. A Proposal: Cao Xun Seeks Yunzhu's Hand.

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Chapter 14

At the elegant Zhenghe Hall in Duke Ningguo's Mansion, Li Xian engaged in his studies after breakfast, while Yunzhu strolled in the garden with her maids.

With both their children occupied, Li Yong touched his face and inquired of his wife, "Is something the matter with my appearance?"

Meng shi examined him closely and responded, "Not at all. You are still remarkably handsome."

Perplexed, Li Yong remarked, "Yet I feel that Yunzhu has been looking at me oddly these past few days, as if something were amiss with my face."

Upon catching his daughter's discreet gaze, Li Yong found she quickly averted her eyes, leaving behind a mysterious smile he could not decipher.

Concerned that his wife wasn't taking his unease seriously, Li Yong sought reassurance by inspecting his reflection in the mirror.

Upon entering the room, Meng shi observed her husband examining his teeth with pursed lips. Unimpressed, she nearly rolled her eyes at his lackluster appearance.

In the garden, Yunzhu admired the peach blossoms before taking a leisurely turn on the swing.

As summer approached, the morning sun shone brightly but not aggressively, promising a sunny day ahead.

Lian Qiao and Shiliu gently pushed her back and forth, while Yunzhu closed her eyes, luxuriating in the comfort.

In the distance, a stern voice resonated through the garden.

Yunzhu opened her eyes to see Manager Chen, overseeing a young boy clumsily pruning flowers and trees with scissors. It was clear that the boy had made a mistake.

Yunzhu's attention shifted to Manager Chen.

As the son of an old servant responsible for tending the garden, Manager Chen had taken over the duties of maintaining the lush greenery. Despite his father's failing health, Manager Chen had admirably fulfilled his legacy.

Turning to Shiliu for information, Yunzhu inquired, "How old is Manager Chen?"

After a moment of thought, Shiliu replied, "Thirty-two or thirty-three, I believe."

Yunzhu's gaze lingered on Manager Chen.

As stewards of Duke Ningguo's Mansion, both Chen and his father enjoyed a level of luxury in their food and clothing that surpassed that of even some wealthy farmers. Additionally, Manager Chen had a commanding presence, standing nearly as tall as Cao Shao, only a centimeter shorter.

Dressed in a dark gray muslin round-neck robe, with a cloth scarf adorning his head and a black belt cinched around his waist, Manager Chen appeared tall and handsome from the side.

Just as many men first notice a woman's face, Yunzhu's first point of observation in a man was his physique.

"Please fetch Manager Chen," Yunzhu instructed Shiliu, who promptly made her way along the garden path to seek assistance from him.

Manager Chen failed to notice the young woman on the swing. Reflecting on his stern tone moments earlier, he followed behind Shiliu and inquired anxiously, "Have I disturbed our Miss?"

Shiliu replied, "Our Miss is not upset, but I am unsure of her reason for summoning you."

As domestic servants, they adhered to their respective positions and addressed Manager Chen according to their age and rank.

Soon, Manager Chen stood before Yunzhu.

There was an unspoken understanding of hierarchy. After the exchange of pleasantries, Steward Chen humbly lowered his gaze and awaited the young master's instructions.

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