C40. Five Hearts, One Meng, Four Li.

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Chapter 40

When Yunzhu awoke the next day, the sunlight was streaming in.

She attempted to shift, but her waist felt as if it had been trampled by a carriage. Sore and achy, she quickly settled back into her original position.

Feeling parched, Yunzhu rang the bell.

There were footsteps outside—strong and steady—immediately recognizable.

Gritting her teeth, Yunzhu felt the bandage above her head begin to rattle once more, causing her to close her eyes in frustration.

Cao Xun parted the curtain and saw her furrowed brows and pursed red lips, as if she were slightly cross, and inquired, "Are you awake?"

Yunzhu replied, "Bring me some water first."

Cao Xun turned to fetch the water. Upon his return, he found her still lying motionless. Assuming she was being idle, he sat beside her with a thin white porcelain bowl in one hand and gently lifted her with the other, supporting her neck.

As her back left the bed, Yunzhu winced in discomfort and glared at him resentfully.

Understanding her response, Cao Xun smiled, "Have some water first, and I'll give you a massage later."

This certainly sounded more human. Yunzhu drank the full bowl of water and slowly reclined on the bed once again.

The bright sunlight streamed in, illuminating her exquisite, snow-white skin through the sheer silk top.

Cao Xun settled onto the bed and began to knead her shoulders.

Yunzhu buried her face into the pillow and asked, "Aren't you supposed to be with the Emperor today?"

Cao Xun replied, "There are times when the Emperor desires solitude, so he granted us a two-day break."

As he spoke, his broad palm grazed her slender waist.

Yunzhu's entire body tensed. Thankfully, Cao Xun applied the pressure just right, relieving her fatigue without causing discomfort.

Even so, Yunzhu couldn't help but complain, "If you dare to do this again, I'll move back to my parents' house."

She couldn't endure his relentless probing.

Once or twice was fine, but in just one night, he had gone too far.

Yunzhu was truly apprehensive of him behaving this way.

Cao Xun glanced at her pouting lips and whispered, "We've been married for two months, and I still can't get enough of you. It means that in my eyes, you're just as stunning as when we first wed. You should be happy."

Yunzhu remained silent.

Cao Xun said, "Or do you only seek compliments from other men, not from me?"

Could Yunzhu admit that it wasn't necessary?

She stayed silent.

Regardless, through this incident, Yunzhu finally realized that although Cao Xun didn't mind her previous relationship with Cao Shao and even intervened when Cao Shao sought her hand in marriage, he did have his limits. He would take issue if she continued to receive Cao Shao's affection.

As a husband, he had the right to be upset. Yunzhu understood, but she was still slightly defiant.

"If you can't confront him, then why confront me when he was the one who provoked me first?"

Yunzhu spoke morosely.

Cao Xun smiled, "Because I knew it would be hard for him to forget you in a short time, and he didn't openly do anything too outrageous."

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