C38. Stepping Outside, To The Woodlands.

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Chapter 38

In Nanyuan, one can find numerous rare and indigenous beasts and birds. When the Emperor comes to hunt, a collection of prey is released into the hunting grounds, including the elusive white fox.

Foxes are known for their keen vigilance and elusiveness, making them a prized and challenging hunt. These qualities, paired with the rarity of their coat color, dictate that the hunter who captures the white fox earns leadership status in the hunting grounds.

With the recent years marked by tense border wars and Emperor Yuan Qing's absence from Nanyuan for leisure, the anticipation for the hunting competition has been building among the young military attachés.

Li Yao, Cao Shao, and Xie Lang stand as the leaders among this group of young military attachés.

Prior to entering the hunting grounds, Xie Lang expressed light-hearted humor toward his companions, suggesting, "While I might not match your prowess in direct combat, hunting also relies on luck. If fortunate enough to capture a white fox, I shall treat you to drinks at Zuixianju later."

Li Yao responded jestingly, "Fear not, even should you fail to capture the white fox, I would be thrilled to join you for drinks."

While the two bantered, Cao Shao withheld from engaging in their exchange and discreetly observed the women's section. He chose the less-traveled path, expressing no further need for the Emperor's appraisal of his martial arts skills. However, with Yunzhu observing the competition, he had no intention of losing.

The rhythmic beat of the drums heralded the commencement of the hunt.

Unfolding across vast grasslands, hills, and woods, the hunting grounds proved extensive, often obscuring the participating military attachés from the spectators' view.

To ease the wait, the palace had thoughtfully arranged an array of fruits and wine, as well as singers and dancers for the entertainment of those present.

As Yunzhu savored fruits and engaged in lively conversation with her mother and Duke Qi's wife, she reveled in the splendid scenery of Nanyuan, finding great delight in it.

Madam of Duke Qiguo, the mother of Sun Yurong, envied Meng shi, indicating, "Brother Yao possesses remarkable prowess and exceptional marksmanship. If given the chance to take to the battlefield, he would assuredly emerge as a formidable general akin to the renowned Duke Ningguo. Despite Brother Xian's youth, he appears to be an equally composed individual. With two such outstanding sons, plus the promising marriage of Yunzhu, you have little to fret about in life. Unlike myself, with a son of little use and a daughter whose marital prospects remain unsettled."

Meng shi, foregoing pretense, offered a bittersweet smile in response, remarking, "What mother does not feel concern for her children? You may shower praise upon our eldest son, yet remain unaware of the anxieties I harbor regarding his marriage. Given there are barely over four months remaining this year and still no sign of a potential wife, my worries remain."

Madam Duke Qiguo pondered to herself, "I would like to see Yu Rong marry into your family, but it seems you have reservations about her."

She reassured, "Don't worry,  Yao will come back victorious and establish himself as a leader. Then, he can display his skills in front of the ladies. Once we return to the city, we will make sure a matchmaker goes to your house to propose marriage."

Meng Shi replied, "I hope so."

Yunzhu, too, eagerly anticipated her brother winning the championship. An hour had slipped by in the blink of an eye. Surely someone must have caught the white fox by now?

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