2.7 Tian Chen

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After the baby was fed the two decided it was time to leave the cave. The flower that Tian Ming was born from still had some medical value so Lin Mo carefully packed it away. Tian Chen was teasing their son as Lin Mo checked around the cave to make sure they weren't leaving anything behind.

"If I remember correctly the nearest town is about a two day walk from here." Lin Mo would have preferred to fly on a sword as he had a spiritual sword just for transportation but Tian Ming was too young to be flying in the air. Normally a baby this young shouldn't be traveling in general but Lin Mo was itching to leave and figure since he inherited this body's medical knowledge it would be fine if something happened.

"It's fine we can take our time." Lin Mo used the blanket to create a makeshift baby sling to secure his son to his chest. After making sure the baby was comfortable the family of three finally left the cave.

The couple took their time traveling as they would have to stop every two to three hours to tend to their son's needs. Other than that Tian Ming alternated between sleeping and looking around his surroundings when awake.

Lin Mo only bought enough milk to last a few days so he had planned on buying more in the town. Since Lin Mo didn't actually become pregnant this time naturally he couldn't produce milk. He figured once he got to his husband's sect they could find a wet nurse or continue buying animal milk.

After traveling for three days they finally arrived at the town. The town was called Tong Hui Town and was located at the bottom of a valley where a river was running through. This was the first time Lin Mo was out of the cave since he arrived in this world so naturally he was curious about everything.

Tian Chen saw both daddy and son turning their heads around trying to look at everything as they walked into the busy street. His heart felt incredibly soft looking at his newly acquired family. To think he initially came out looking for a plant to heal his shidi, instead he gained a wife and son. Anyway his shidi wasn't in life-threatening danger so he had time to look for another solution.

"Tian Chen, I want to try that." Lin Mo was pointing at the stall selling steam buns with meat and vegetable fillings. He had been eating roast meat for the past nine months and was looking forward to the day he could eat something else that didn't taste smoked.

Naturally Tian Chen would fulfill those needs and wordlessly bought three meat stuffed buns, one for him and two for his little lover. Tian Chen had long stopped eating at a certain point in his cultivation but spending these past few months with a foodie roused up the long lost feeling of hunger even if he didn't need to eat.

Lin Mo happily ate the buns and nearly cried in happiness at finally eating something else other than roast meat. Little Tian Ming on his chest was fixated on the juicy meat bun and occasionally smacked his lips. Tian Chen chuckled and reached to wipe the drool off his son's chubby face.

"Like daddy like son." Tian Chen pinched hin son's meaty hands while eating his own bun.

"Of course! Look he has my eyes and nose though I guess he has your mouth but I can live with it." Tian Chen stole a kiss while Lin Mo was chewing.

"You love my mouth and all the things I can do with it." Lin Mo glared at him while covering Tian Ming's ears to his chest.

"Pervert." The three spent a few hours buying necessities for the rest of the trip. Lin Mo would occasionally see and grab a baby toy while Tian Chen paid the stall like it was a normal occurrence. The two found a modest inn and booked it for the night.

Tian Chen had one of the staff bring up hot water and let Lin Mo bathe first while he fed Tian Ming. The bath tub was just a wooden bucket in the room separated by a bamboo divider so Lin Mo could easily talk to the other.

"How far is the Ling Xiao sect?" Tian Chen was burping their son when he answered.

"If we flew we would arrive in a week. Walking would take a month or two depending how many stops we make. I asked around and there is a caravan heading to a city in the same direction. We can tag along with them and walk the rest, that will take half a month."

"Then let's do that." Lin Mo got out of the tub to dry himself before putting on his inner robes. Lin Mo went over to the bed to pick his baby up.

"Ming Ming, Ming'er, are you happy to go to your father's sect? When you grow bigger you can start your path on the Dao and learn to use a sword or whip like your father and daddy. Which will you choose, sword? Whip?" Lin Mo held his son up before bringing him closer to kiss his pudgy cheeks.

Tian Chen walked up to hug his little lover from behind.

"When we get to the sect I'll ask the sect leader to decide a good date for us to get married. Since I became an elder I live on my own peak, no one will disturb us there." Tian Chen placed a few kisses on the exposed skin that the robes didn't cover.

Lin Mo leaned back onto his husband's warm chest while cradling the sleepy baby in his arms.

"I'm just trying to imagine your master's and martial siblings' reactions. You went out to find a plant and instead returned with a wife and plant baby. That's definitely going to shock some people." Tian Chen hummed.

"Let them speculate, it has nothing to do with me." When Tian Chen's hands started to become naughty Lin Mo chased the other to the bathtub while he got ready for bed.

Since there was no bassinet Lin Mo asked the staff for some extra pillows and blankets and made a little barrier against the wall for the baby to sleep in. Lin Mo laid on his side and he lightly patted his baby's belly yo lull him to sleep. He felt another body lay next to his and a pair of familiar arms wrapped around his waist.

"Don't even think of trying anything. There is no soundproofing and the baby is also here." Tian Chen pulled their bodies flushed together and lightly bit the back of Lin Mo's neck.

"He'll sleep in a different room when we get back." Lin Mo playfully rolled his eyes and pinched the arm on his waist.

"Sex addict pervert."

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