1.2 Yu Feng Ge

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Sitting in the car Lin Mo went over whatever information he had on this husband of his. Yu Feng Ge was 25 years old this year. Other than knowing he is the vice president of the Yu company Lin Mo didn't know much about him.

"Bai, Yu Feng Ge most likely knows about the baby. Why hasn't he visited the original host at least once? He can't be that indifferent to his own kid right?"

**I don't know host. Whatever information Bai has is what the original host would've already known.**

"Fine. Hopefully the man isn't picky about his food. At the very least I can win him over through his stomach."

**But host Yu Feng Ge has access to the best chefs and ingredients in the world! How could he be impressed by your cooking?**

"...You got a better idea?"

**Host fighting!** After the system went silent, Lin Mo turned to his concealed belly. He was still weirded out that he would be the one giving birth. He was a man, a man that couldn't give birth and to have that suddenly change was hard to accept. However once Lin Mo thought of the little bun that would arrive in six months his heart couldn't help but warm up.

Lin Mo always had a soft spot for children. When he still lived in the orphanage he would take care of the younger kids and essentially raise them. He always thought that when he got older he would find someone to settle down with and adopt some children to raise. Obviously that didn't happen but perhaps this could be his chance. Even if he couldn't get Yu Feng Ge to love the child, Lin Mo would love and raise them himself.

When Lin Mo arrived at the company building he went up to the receptionist.

"Hello I'm looking for Yu Feng Ge, is he here?" The lady looked at this youth who seemed neat and clean.

"Do you have an appointment with him?"

"No, but could you call and say Lin Mo is looking for him? He'll know who I am." Lin Mo didn't even have his number, he pitied the original host.

The reception lady thought for a second before making a call.

Up on one of the top floors was a man sitting at his desk with a mountain of never ending paperwork when his phone rang.


"Sir there's a man here who wants to see you."

"I don't have any appointments scheduled. Send him out."

"He says his name is Lin Mo and that you know who he is."

The man paused his actions of hanging up the phone. He gave a thoughtful look at the phone before bringing it up again.

"Send him up." Then he hung up the phone.

The receptionist looked back at the youth slightly confused but still sent Lin Mo up. He was led to a private elevator that sent him straight to the top floor. On arrival he saw a man who he recognized as secretary Mu. The original host saw him appear at the villa a couple of times.

"What brings Mr Lin to see the vice president?"

Lin Mo showed his lunch box. "I brought my husband some lunch. Is he busy? Can I see him?"

Secretary Mu raised an eyebrow and looked over the youth again. His impression of this youth was someone shy and withdrawn. Every time he visited the youth would only peek at him before running away. Now looking at this youth who looked bright and sunny he couldn't help but take a second look.

"Vice President is in his office. You can go in." Lin Mo thanked him and with a determined look, opened the door where his husband was sitting.

Lin Mo most likely knew the rumors were false. However when he imagined the man who was his baby's father he expected some average looking man. Instead what he got was a man with a face carved by the gods. Lin Mo felt his brain shut down with only one sentence running through his mind.

'Oh no, he's hot.' In fact Yu Feng Ge was exactly his type which made this somewhat easier than he thought. Lin Mo slapped on a bright smile while walking over to the man.

"I figured husband hasn't eaten yet so I made some food for you. Try it and tell me how it tastes." Lin Mo set out the dishes he packed and turned to look at his husband.

The last time Yu Feng Ge saw the youth was on his bed three months ago. He couldn't remember the night clearly but he did remember how the next day he was told the youth was his new wife sent by the Lin family. Yu Feng Ge didn't care much about the arraignment and figured as long as he(Lin Mo) stayed at the villa obediently, he didn't mind raising him and letting him go later. But then he was told that his wife was pregnant and Yu Feng Ge really didn't know what to do. So like the mature man he is, he absorbed himself in his work ignoring the problem until now.

Now looking at this little wife of his who came to deliver lunch for him, Yu Feng Ge's heart felt a little fuzzy. He looked at the dishes laid out in front of him. Although it couldn't be compared to the five star dishes, there was a certain charm to it that made Yu Feng Ge suddenly feel hungry. Picking up his chopsticks he looked at the youth making himself comfortable on the edge of his desk. Frowning, he pointed towards the couch in front used to entertain guests.

"Sit properly, the couch is there for a reason." Lin Mo didn't argue and sat backwards and leaned on the back of the couch. Ignoring the obvious staring, Yu Feng Ge started eating the lunch his little wife made. The pork was a little too sweet for him but in the end he still finished it all.

From beginning to end Lin Mo shamelessly watched his nominal husband all while admiring the man in front of him. Not a word was exchanged between them, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable. After Yu Feng Ge was done eating Lin Mo packed up the clean dishes before turning back with an expecting look at his husband. The clean gaze from the youth made him somewhat uncomfortable. He cleared his throat before looking at the youth.

"A little sweet, but the taste was still good." Silence.

"*ahem* I'll see you at home." That seemed to do the trick as Lin Mo gave a blinding smile.

"Ok I'll cook something really tasty for husband when he comes home." And with that Lin Mo left the office. Yu Feng Ge gave a thoughtful look at the door for a few seconds before continuing his work. He had to admit, he was looking forward to dinner.

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