2.3 Tian Chen

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A day comes and goes and not once has the man moved. Lin Mo was just finishing feeding the plant some spiritual qi when he turned to Tian Chen. Lin Mo half believed he was dead but just as he was about to poke the man with a stick he opened his eyes to give a long hard stare.

"Oh! I was just... eheh..." Lin Mo slowly backed away making sure he wouldn't be suddenly attacked. The two had a staring contest for what seemed like forever before Lin Mo finally caved.

"You have to feed the plant your spiritual qi and blood for it to grow." More stares. Lin Mo was about to say fuck it and force the other man when he suddenly moved and walked over to the plant. Still afraid the man would do something Lin Mo followed as close behind as he could without getting maimed.

Tian Chen just chose to ignore the other and continue to scrutinize the so-called plant baby. Originally Tian Chen wanted to destroy the plant but just the mere thought caused his heart to feel like it was being squeezed to death. He gave up on the thought and decided to endure for the time being.

Lin Mo watched anxiously as the man fed the plant his qi and a few drops of his blood. The plant glowed softly and used one of its leaves to curl around Tian Chen's finger. Tian Chen resisted the urge to shake it off and just gently took his hand back before resuming his original position meditating.

This is how the next month was like. Lin Mo fed the plant and then Tian Chen would follow. Words were never exchanged, not for a better lack of trying on Lin Mo's part. Every time Lin Mo tried to initiate a conversation he was met with a dead stare until he stopped and backed away.

Lin Mo sighed as he teased the plant's leaves. Not having anyone to talk to was really driving him up the wall. Sure before he used to just talk to himself or the plant but now that another human was here he didn't want to seem like a lunatic talking to himself. Lin Mo turned to glare at the man who was sitting in a lotus position while meditating.

'Seriously what's so good about meditating all day everyday?' Lin Mo sighed for the nth time that day. After staring at the cave walls a little longer Lin Mo decided to roast some meat to pass the time. He made his way to sit against the cave wall while he started a fire and prepared the meat he still had from his last hunt.

Last time he managed to catch a few rabbits so he was planning to roast it with some spices he also found in the forest. The last time he ate was before the whole 'kidnapping' incident and while he didn't get hungry he missed the taste of food. It wasn't the best but it was better than eating bland food, his worst nightmare.

When the aroma of roasted meat emerged, Tian Chen opened his eyes for something other than feeding the plant. He saw Lin Mo happily roasting what seemed like a rabbit, he was even humming a small tune while he rotated the meat to prevent burning.

'Cute.' A warm fuzzy feeling emerged in his chest but didn't pay any attention to it. Smelling the aroma of roasted meat, for the first time in years he felt like eating.

Lin Mo saw from the corner of his eyes that Tian Chen was watching him. Once he determined the meat was cooked he turned to wave over the other.

"Want some?" At the very least he could use this opportunity to try to get close to his baby's other father. Tian Chen didn't say anything which Lin Mo took as a no.

"Suite yourself." Lin Mo blew on the meat to cool it down. Just as he was about to bite into the perfectly roasted meat it was snatched out of his hands.

"WHAT THE FUCK-" Tian Chen hummed in amusement at his violent reaction and dodged the incoming hands. He tore the rabbit meat in half and stuffed back the piece still pierced on the stick in the hands of the furious Lin Mo. He moved to sit on the other side of the fire while he ate.

Lin Mo continued to glare daggers at the other as he tore into the rabbit meat while imaging it was the other's flesh.

"You inconsiderate rude bastard #@$#%^%"

Tian Chen selectively filtered out the curses and thought he looked like an angry chipmunk with the glaring eyes and stuffed cheeks. His eyes showed his amusement which further angered Lin Mo.

After the food was gone the two sat in silence by the fire.

"Sooooo, why exactly were you looking for the three-seven plant? You're not sick so it's either for someone else or part of a job." Tian Chen was in a good mood after teasing Lin Mo.

"My shidi was injured during a mission. Part of his soul was eaten by a soul devouring best, the only way to heal him is to replace the missing pieces with the ones of the three-seven plant."

"Wow you must really love your shidi to look for a near impossible to locate plant."

"We worshiped the same master and he is also the youngest. It is natural of me to take care of my juniors."

"Are you part of a sect then?"

"Mmm, Ling Xiao sect"

"Ling Xiao," Lin Mo thought, isn't that the most powerful sect of the righteous faction? "Damm what kind of big shot are you!?"

"I am only a small sect elder, no one of importance." Lin Mo didn't buy it but didn't pry.

"Yea sure." Lin Mo rolled his eyes and used a stick to poke at the fire. "You know, I happen to have decent skills as an alchemist. I'm no doctor but maybe after the baby is born I can see if I can help?" At the very least he can pay back snatching the plant and forcing him to stay here.

"Countless famous doctors have already tried but none have succeeded. I don't know how much help you could be."

"Hey don't write me off just yet, I'm full of surprises." Lin Mo gave a toothy smile and received a small smile from Tian Chen in return.

"I'm sure you are." The conversation ended there but since then they would occasionally chat over a meal. This of course caused them to become closer as the weeks went.

The longer they were together the more Lin Mo had that nagging suspicion. The familiar habits and gestures, Lin Mo was 99.99% sure Tian Chen was Yu Feng Ge. Yu Feng Ge had said he would follow him, and Lin Mo was holding onto his words even if it was impossible.

But the longer he and Tian Chen interacted the more he was sure. But he had no way to confirm. He didn't want to get too ahead of himself so he asked the system for help.

'Bai you there?' Nothing.

'Bai?' Still nothing.

'Are you dead?'

**Host ignored Bai for months so Bai will ignore host.**

'Don't be childish.'

**hmph!** Lin Mo sighed and continued to coax the system.

'Alright alright I'm sorry I was wrong ok? I just wanted to ask, is it possible Yu Feng Ge's soul traveled to this world too?'

**How should Bai know? Host should figure it out himself. Bai will leave now.** Lin Mo tried calling the system but was ignored.

"Childish system." Lin Mo grumbled under his breath. He turned to look at Tian Chen who was teasing the leaves on the plant. Tian Chen wasn't fully sold on the whole baby thing but he did soften up to the little sentient plant.

After six months of nurturing the plant has grown to three feet tall with the silver bud growing to the size of a melon. Pretty soon the bud would bloom and a baby would be born.

Until then, Lin Mo looked at Tian Chen's back, he had to figure out if he really was his husband or not.

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