2.4 Tian Chen

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"Not another word."


Lin Mo glared at the forest that was growing from the sky instead of the ground as he tried to comprehend what just occurred the past hour. An hour earlier Lin Mo was trying to determine if Tian Chen and Yu Feng Ge were the same person. Realizing he was getting nowhere Lin Mo decided to distract himself by hunting some more game as his supply of meat was out.

This led to him venturing to the woods like usual. He went into a different direction than normal to see if he could find something different. He's grown tired of the rabbit and would rather eat his own foot before eating another rabbit.

And after searching for a while he did find something, only... it wasn't something edible.


It was a face eating spider the size of a car. The whole body was black with white inhuman faces littlering the body, probably the faces of its victims. Not only that but the spider also had the face of a human with pale ghastly skin and a smile that extended from ear to ear. A red marking extended from the eyes all the way down the face.

Naturally, Lin Mo screamed like a little girl having her toys taken away. After screaming his lungs out he promptly fainted.

The thing is, Lin Mo is deathly afraid of spiders. As in every time he saw one in the house he would be yelling and screaming non stop for Yu Feng Ge to kill the spider the size of a fingernail.

So, when he encounters the face eating spider that was the thing of nightmares, Lin Mo fainted out of fright.

This brings us to our current situation. When Lin Mo woke up he realized he was bound with the spider silk of the face eating spider and was currently hanging upside down from a tree. He tried to use his spiritual qi to escape his bindings only to find out that he couldn't access it, a trait of the face eating spider's silk.

Not only that but he also woke up to the sound of the system snickering at him. So here he was, hanging from a tree with no way to free himself.

Currently he didn't see the spider so he assumed it was still hunting. Now he needed to figure out how to escape.

"Bai is there anything in the system shop to help?"

**Welllll there is the one time escaping ticket for 500 points.**

"...you're useless you know that."


Lin Mo stopped talking to the system since there was no help there. Eventually he resorted to simply wiggling around in a vain attempt to free himself.

"Of all things to be a fucking spider. A face eating spider. What kind of crazy god would create this-" Lin Mo paused his struggle when he heard a rustle. He froze thinking it was the spider coming back for his meal, only for Tian Chen to emerge from the shadows.

He was clearly trying to hold in his laughter but his eyes already gave it away.

"Go ahead, let it all out. It's not like I can stop you." Lin Mo grumbled, resigning to his embarrassing state. Tian Chen let out a few chuckles.

"You were taking a while so I came to find you."

"Yea good thing you did. My spiritual qi is bound so I can't free myself. I ran into a face eating spider so quickly free me before it comes back."

Tian Chen walked closer so that they were face to face, considering that Lin Mo was still hanging upside down.

"The attacking power of a face eating spider shouldn't have been enough to subdue a strong cultivator like yourself. That makes me wonder how it managed to capture you." Lin Mo's face turned red in embarrassment as he recalled the incident.

"Shut up and free me dammit." Instead of doing that Tian Chen pushed Lin Mo on the forehead causing him to swing from where he was hanging.

"Hey stop that! Let me down already!" Lin Mo was mad that instead of freeing him Tian Chen decided to play with his bound up body making him swing back and forth like a toy.

"If you tell me how you got captured then I'll let you down." Tian Chen smiled while watching Lin Mo's fun reactions. Perhaps he was taking his revenge for being forced to stay here for nine month. He wasn't particularly mad anymore as he enjoyed Lin Mo's company but he couldn't help himself teasing the other.

Meanwhile Lin Mo was starting to get dizzy from the constant swinging and being upside down for so long.

"Okay okay! I'll tell you just stop pushing me." Tian Chen grabbed his shoulder to stop him from swinging.

"I... I passed out ok?" Tian Chen raised an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid of spiders ok? Besides who wouldn't be scared seeing a face eating spider, that thing is straight out a nightmare!"

"Hmmm not enough to pass out." Tian Che took out his sword and with one graceful swing Lin Mo was free. Of course since he was hanging in the air he fell to the ground once freed. Luckily Tian Chen wasn't heartless and caught Lin Mo in his arms.

Lin Mo wrapped his arms around Tian Chen's neck to steady himself, he was essentially being princess carried. Lin Mo's face was very close to Tian Chen's and while he had the urge to kiss him he hesitated.

Tian Chen was waiting for Lin Mo to move. He saw the intention in his eyes as Lin Mo glanced to his lips, but was disappointed when Lin Mo hesitated and didn't move. He was about to put Lin Mo down but suddenly jumped onto a tree branch.

In place where he was standing a mess of spider silk laid with the face eating spider emerging close behind. The spider screeched when it realized its prey had escaped and glared at Tian Chen hatefully.

Before Tian Chen could attack the arms around his neck tightened harshly.

"AHHHHH KILL IT KILL IT TIAN CHEN KILL IT!!!" Seeing the spider again, Lin Mo freaked out once again. Instead of fainting he held onto Tian Chen's head for dear life while screaming for him to kill it. Tian Chen struggled to hold onto Lin Mo properly as the man kept squirming trying to climb onto his head. Tian Chen had to dodge the incoming attack while trying to keep his hold on the smaller man.

"Stop moving!." Lin Mo was practically hanging on Tian Chen like a koala while Tian Chen took his sword to slash at the spider silk being thrown his way. The spider wasn't Tian Chen's opponent, it was just difficult to move when there was a grown man hanging off of him.

The spider continued to screech in rage as its attacks weren't working. Tian Chen had Lin Mo screaming in one ear and the spider screeching in the other causing him to have a headache. Feeling irritated, Tian Chen became more aggressive in his attacks.

With a final swing down the sword sliced the spider right down the middle. Only instead of cleanly splitting apart, the spider exploded like a water balloon being popped. Lin Mo and Tian Chen were covered in the exploded spider's guts which was a nauseating yellow goo that smelled like rotten meat.




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