1.15 Yu Feng Ge

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Giggling could be heard throughout the villa. Uncle Liu who was in the garden smiled hearing the source of that laughter coming closer to the garden. Around the corner popped out a four year old child. Yu Ming Li grew up into a lovely child, with fair skin and chubby cheeks with a healthy red glow, he inherited his father's sharp eyebrows and straight nose that still looked soft and childish on his face, while his clear black eyes clearly came from his mother.

The little boy ran past uncle Liu and dove into the bushes until you couldn't see him. Before uncle Liu could ask why he was hiding, Lin Mo came panting, clearly he had been chasing the child.

"Yu Ming Li! Stop running it's time to take a bath!" Lin Mo thought taking care of a baby would be the worst of it, he was wrong. He heard about the terrible twos and was bracing himself for that. But when Yu Ming Li turned two he was actually pretty well behaved for a toddler. It was when he turned four that he learned to be more mischievous.

At this time Yu Ming Li has developed a dislike of baths which resulted in Lin Mo chasing his son for the past ten minutes. When he saw the bush moving, instead of directly confronting him he instead brought out his secret weapon.

"Fine, I guess you don't want to visit your Baba and go eat at the bbq restaurant then. That's fine I'll just ask the housekeeper to make the beet salad I've been wanting." At that moment a tiny figure dashed out of the bushes and launched himself onto his mother hanging off like a koala.

"No No! I want to go see Baba, I want to eat bbq!" Yu Ming Li even dialed up the puppy eyes for extra measure. His eyes weren't the only things he got from his mother, he also got his love for food from him as well.

Lin Mo gently pinched his son's nose. "Then you better listen to me and go take your bath, you don't want everyone to know you as a stinky boy do you?" Yu Ming Li pouted but eventually nodded.

Lin Mo carried him upstairs where the bath was. Because the bath was prepared ten minutes ago it was a little cold but still tolerable to the child.

After the bath Lin Mo bundled the child up and headed to the company building. As the elevator rose up, Yu Ming Li practically shoved his face against the glass wall that overlooked the city. Unlike Lin Mo who was afraid of heights, Yu Ming Li was always fascinated by the sight as the elevator went up. Arriving at their destination, Yu Ming Li ran to his father's office and barged in before Lin Mo could stop him.

Yu Feng Ge was holding a virtual meeting with some business partners when the small figure of his son came barreling in and jumped into his lap.

"Babaaa!" Yu Ming Li was giggling non stop, all happy and giddy to see his Baba. Yu Feng Ge didn't even pause his speech as he settled his son on his lap. He glanced at the door to see his wife quietly made his way in. Lin Mo was about to make his way over to grab the naughty child but Yu Feng Ge gestured to him it was ok.

"We'll end the meeting here. Any more questions can be sent to my secretary." Yu Feng Ge ended the video call and walked over to his wife while carrying his chatty son.

"Baba Baba mama promise we can go eat bbq! Can we go now or are you still working? Earlier mama said I had to take a bath but I didn't want to. But but he said if I did we could go eat bbq! I also want ice cream, can we get ice cream too?" Yu Feng Ge kissed his wife while feeling amused by his son's chattering. Neither he nor Lin Mo were this chatty, he didn't know where the child go it from.

"You only think of food food food. Be careful or you'll become fat." Yu Feng Ge pinched his son's chubby cheeks as if to prove his point. Yu Ming Li could only pout and rub the pinched spot.

"I'm not fat, I'm chubby! Grandpa said to be chubby is to live a virtuous and happy life!"

"Just what exactly is grandpa teaching you?" Lin Mo shook his head and laughed at his silly son. You could hear non stop chattering coming from the happy family of three as they made their way to the restaurant.

After the dinner, plus dessert courtesy of the weak willed mother and father, Lin Mo was trying to settle his son into bed, key word trying.

"Ming Ming ah, it's time to sleep. Little boys can only grow bigger when they sleep more." Lin Mo was exasperated by his hyper child. You would think all the talking would tire a four year old, but no, the child was nowhere near tired.

"But I'm not tired~ I still want to play." Yu Ming Li tried to use his puppy eyes to stay up longer. Lin Mo used all the restraint he could to not give in."

"No. It's time for bed." Lin Mo remained firm.

Yu Ming Li pouted before running to the small bookshelf to grab a story book.

"Then can mama read me a bedtime story? Please?~" Lin Mo could only smile and nod helplessly, one story couldn't hurt. As they settled onto the bed Lin Mo wrapped his arms around his son to hold the book so both of them could see.

"Lets see, this story is called 'The Fairy and the Beast. Long ago there was a beautiful immortal fairy who lived up in the heavens. One day the fairy went down to the mortal realm with the task of finding the fruit of life that could even bring the dead back to life.

Little did the fairy know that the fruit was guarded by the most ferocious beast of the underworld. The fairy first tried to fight the beast, but the beast was too strong and they could only end the fight in a draw. The fairy tried to lure the beast away but the beast would not fall for the fairy's tricks.

The fairy tried many ways but failed each time. The beast was greatly moved by the fairy's determination and made a deal with the fairy. If the fairy could help him find true love then he would let her take the fruit away.

So the fairy found many beautiful men and women of all races to introduce to the beast. But the beast did not like any one of them. When everything failed, the fairy decided to offer herself to the beast. The beast, having already fallen for the fairy, agreed and let the fairy take the fruit away, with the condition that the fairy would come back to live with him. The fairy agreed and took the fruit back to the heavens." Lin Mo stopped reading when he noticed his son had fallen asleep. He tucked him in and gave one more kiss on the forehead before quietly leaving the room.

Outside their son's room, Yu Feng Ge was waiting by the door. Seeing his wife finally leave, he pulled Lin Mo into a kiss while wrapping his arms around his waist. Breaking the kiss Yu Feng Ge said,

"I want to hear the rest of the story." He planted another kiss on Lin Mo's nose.

"There's nothing else, after returning the fruit back to the heavens she went back to live with the beast for the rest of their life. A happy ever after."

"Just like us?" Lin Mo looked at his husband's handsome face filled with love and affection and couldn't feel any more content.

"Just like us."

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