1.9 Yu Feng Ge

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Now that Lin Mo was five months along, it was time to start preparing for the arrival of the little bun. Namely, setting up the nursery, buying all the necessities like clothing and toys, and lastly picking out a name.

Sitting in the home office, Lin Mo was trying to come up with a theme for the nursery.

"How about this color?"


"This cream color is nice, it would give the room a nice ambience."


Annoyed by the lack of answer, Lin Mo decided to mess with him to get a reaction.

"I guess I'll have to go with this lime green then. Maybe the hot pink would go well with it or actually the brown color seems nice. Since husband has no opinion I guess we'll go with these." Stopping what he was doing, Yu Feng Ge went over where his wife was sitting and plucked the color samples from his hands.

"Let the interior designers do it, it's what they are paid to do." The corner of Lin Mo's mouth twitched up.

"That won't do, it's our baby we should be the one's decorating the room." After thinking about it for a second Yu Feng Ge picked up the pastel blue.

"This one." Happily taking the color sample he set it with the other stuff he planned for the room.

"You don't have to do too much. Pick a few ideas and let the decorators do it. You should just rest."

"Fine, but we still have other things to do like picking out a name."

Sitting down Yu Feng Ge gently took his wife's feet to massage. Recently his ankles started swelling so much he could barely wear his tennis shoes. Lin Mo let out a sound of content.

"Grandfather has already sent a list of auspicious names for us to choose once he found out the gender."

"Then we can leave that for later. What we need now is baby supplies, toys, clothes, dippers, there's so much we have to get ready."

"I'll have uncle Liu buy it." Lin Mo moved to sit up, with a little help.

"Why are you so keen on having others do stuff for you? Picking out toys and clothing is part of the path of parenthood! Clear your schedule for tomorrow, we're going out for a shopping spree." How could he deny his wife? Seeing how excited he was he couldn't help but lean down for a kiss.

But before he could do more they were interrupted by uncle Liu.

"Young master, young madam, the second young master of the He family is here, he wants to see the young madam."

Slightly irritated by the interruption he replied, "Tell him we're not here."

"He says that the madam saved him a month ago, he came by with some gifts to thank his savior."

The only person that could fit that description would be that ger Lin Mo helped at the party.

"I'll go see him." He was curious about the ger and he was bored. The only people he has actually interacted with could only be counted on one hand. He turned to his husband to pacify him.

"You still have work to do. Go, I'll take care of this." And with that he followed uncle Liu downstairs.

What he was met with was the fairy like youth sitting in the living room. The fairy youth instantly jumped to his feet but stopped with a surprised look, probably because of his baby bump. The youth quickly remembered his manners and quickly went to bow.

"Thank you for saving me that day! I brought some gifts as a thank you. I didn't know where to find you so it took me this long to come thank you."

"Stand up there's no need to thank me like that. Everything happened so fast I never caught your name." He motioned for the other to sit with him as the housekeeper came with some refreshments. He was curious to finally talk to someone around his age.

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