2.2 Tian Chen

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It has been 6 months and Lin Mo was at his wits ends. He has tried everything to get the plant to grow to no avail. He's already learned that the three-seven plant had some human sentience, like that of a very young child. If only the damm plant could tell him what to do to make it grow. Lin Mo laid on his side to poke at the plant.

"Why don't you grow~" Lin Mo was whining at this point, nothing like a man who was previously married with a child. The plant gently wrapped one of its leaves around Lin Mo's finger in an appeasing gesture.

"You're lucky you're cute." Lin Mo mumbled. He got up to stretch and went out to hunt for some food. The cave was quite far from any villages or towns, and even though Lin Mo didn't need to eat with his high level of cultivation, Lin Mo still wanted the satisfaction of eating. After all, Lin Mo's number 1 passion after his husband and child was food.

The forest where the cave was located was dense with tall thick trees. The trunk was so big Lin Mo couldn't wrap his arms around it. He also learned that the pool where the plant grew was rich in spiritual qi. Lin Mo inherited all of the original owner's cultivation skills so hunting and absorbing qi came naturally to him.

Lin Mo went over to the river this time with the intention of eating fish today. The fish was a healthy silver color and was nice and plump. Too bad Lin Mo didn't have many seasonings on him. Lin Mo summoned his life weapon, a weapon bound to the user's soul, and whipped three fishes out in rapid succession.

Satisfied with his catch he strung up the fish on a string and made his way back to the cave. To be honest Lin Mo didn't dislike this kind of lifestyle. He just wished his husband was here to enjoy it with him. He truly hoped that his husband would follow him like he said.

As he got closer to the cave Lin Mo felt that something was wrong. With his cultivation level all of his senses enhanced tenfold, and right now they were telling him someone was in the cave. Lin Mo quickly concealed his breath and quietly made his way in to not startle the intruder.

When he got inside he saw a man standing at the edge of the pool. He only saw the man's back but could tell he was taller than Lin Mo. The stranger was wearing dark blue robes with his long black hair tied up. Wide shoulders and a narrow waist, the stranger gave off a feeling of superiority. Suddenly the man jumped to where the plant was. Lin Mo felt his breath hitch as the man bent down to reach for the plant.

Lin Mo quickly summoned his whip and attacked the man. Unfortunately the man sensed the incoming attack and unhurriedly avoided the attack by jumping to the other side of the pool. Lin Mo took the chance to jump in front of the plant to stand in between the stranger and the plant. This way Lin Mo got a better look at the man.

Just like he suspected, the man was handsome too damm it. Are all the men in the worlds supposed to be handsome?? Save some for the rest of us will you?? The more Lin Mo looked at the stranger the more he felt a sense of familiarity, but quickly shoved it aside to deal with the problem at hand.

"Step aide." Damm he even has a sexy voice too. Remember Lin Mo you're already taken.

"Finders keepers. This plant is mine. Besides with the way you were about to rip it out of the soil the plant will damm well die in your hands and all of this would be for nothing." The man narrowed his eyes, summoned his sword, and went straight to attack Lin Mo.

"Shit!" Lin Mo quickly blocked the attack. Lin Mo was flustered as this was his first time fighting since he arrived in this world. But just like with the cultivation methods, Lin Mo's body quickly remembered how to move. Soon enough the two had exchanged over a hundred moves, neither one was able to move the other. Lin Mo was getting frustrated. At this rate they'll be fighting till they both got exhausted!

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