1.12 Yu Feng Ge

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"He's so adorable!" He Zhi Hua was making silly faces trying to get a reaction from the little bun. Lin Mo was sitting in the hospital bed while breastfeeding his son. At first he was weirded out by the fact that he could breastfeed, but he got over it quickly as he became fascinated by his son feeding.

On this day, because he was feeling guilty for being the reason he went out, He Zhi Hua brought multiple baby items and supplements. Although Lin Mo said it wasn't his fault, He Zhi Hua insisted.

"Xiao Ming Ming makes me want to have a kid now."

"Careful, less your brother and sister hear your words." He Zhi Hua quickly slapped his mouth.

"You heard nothing, Lin gege you heard nothing ok?" Lin Mo laughed at his antics. When Yu Ming Li finished his meal, Lin Mo wiped his mouth and patted his back to get him to burp.

"He seems like such an easy baby."

"Hmm so far he is." At this time Yu Feng Ge came back with some of Lin Mo's favorite foods.

"Give him to me, you eat." Saying so, he left the bag of food on the side table and picked his son up from his arms. Yu Feng Ge was still kinda awkward holding the baby, he was more scared of accidentally dropping or squeezing too hard. But he was getting the hang of it as he gently rocked the drowsy baby.

"Lin gege has such a good husband, I hope my husband will be like that." Lin Mo gave him an amused look while pinching his cheek.

"You're still young, don't worry about it."

"Lin gege is only a year older than me."


After a few days of observation Lin Mo and his son were given the okay to go home. That night Lin Mo had just put the baby to sleep. Yu Feng Ge thought about hiring a nanny but he quickly shut that down. How was he suppose to complete the side tasks if someone else raised him?

Yu Feng Ge was leaning back on the bed while reading a book, Lin Mo walked in and plopped himself in his lap. Naturally Yu Feng Ge's arms stopped what they were doing and wrapped around his waist.

"Is he asleep?"

"Like a light." Lin Mo could feel his husband's hands being naughty. Acting like he didn't see anything he asked what was on his mind the past few days.

"Did you catch the driver from that day?" Yu Feng Ge's eyes darkened.

"En, he was paid by a shell company to cause a car accident. The shell company has already been traced to Liang Shi."

Lin Mo clicked his tongue, "Figues, mother Lin was already looking for an excuse to get rid of me."

Yu Feng Ge tighten his grip, leaned in and nuzzled his nose against Lin Mo's. Yu Feng Ge had developed a habit of nuzzling against his face like a cat the past few months, he would be lying if he said he hated it. After the accident he has become more clingy than usual, something that likely wasn't going away any time soon.

Yu Feng Ge started kissing Lin Mo's neck, then started trailing down kissed on the exposed skin the loose shirt left. Lin Mo let out a soft moan, was it time?

Yu Feng Ge eventually came back to seal his mouth against his wife. Their tongues fought for dominance and while Lin Mo won at first, Yu Feng Ge's was stronger and had greater momentum. Lin Mo's hands gradually crept under and up his husband's shirt. Before he could do more Yu Feng Ge stopped.

"Wha?" Eyes misty and dazed, Lin Mo was confused why he stopped.

"You're still injured, now is not the right time." Lin Mo was frustrated, so close yet so far.

"I'm fine, don't tell me you don't want this too." Lin Mo was fiddling with his husband's shirt. Too bad he didn't take the bait, instead his husband tucked them both into bed and turned the lights off. Lin Mo wasn't tired at first but eventually his eyelids became heavy and he fell asleep.

A few hours later Lin Mo was jolted awake by a sound.

"WHAAAAAAA!" The sound of Yu Ming Li crying came over the baby monitor. Lin Mo groggily dragged himself out of bed. Yu Feng Ge was a light sleeper so naturally he woke up as well.

"You rest, I'll do it."

"No I'll do it, I won't be able to go back to sleep otherwise." Neither listened to the other so both of them went over to where their son was sleeping. Despite being so small, little Ming Li cried so loud the whole villa could probably hear.

"Shhh shhh why is out Ming Ming crying hmm?" Lin Mo picked the crying baby while softly trying to stop his cries. Patting his butt his diaper felt empty so it couldn't be that.

"It our Ming Ming hungry?" Yu Ming Li was still whaling while Yu Feng Ge went to warm up some milk. Few minutes later, Yu Ming Li was still crying while Yu Feng Ge came back with the bottle. After feeding and burping the baby both parents went back to sleep.

Only for the crying to resume two hours later.

"WHAAAAA!" This time Yu Feng Ge got up quicker to tend to their son. Seeing his husband dash to the nursery Lin Mo just went back to sleep.

After changing his diaper and coaxing his son back to sleep, Yu Feng Ge embraced his wife from behind and went back to sleep.

Only to repeat everything again two hours later.

The next month and a half was a constant cycle of crying, waking up, and sleeping. This time it was three in the morning and Yu Ming Li just wouldn't stop crying. Lin Mo was at his wits end, he was tired and smelly, his eyes had bags so big you could fit a car in them. He tried feeding, changing his diaper, rocking him, walking around the villa, even laying him on his chest but nothing worked.

Yu Feng Ge saw the miserable state his wife was in and quickly picked the child up into his arms.

"Let me try."

Lin Mo looked at him like he was his savior. "I tried everything but he just won't stop." He hated to see his baby cry and he himself was on the verge as well. Maybe getting a nanny wasn't so bad after all.

Yu Feng Ge started rocking side to side, after a few minutes of continued crying he started humming a soft tune. Lin Mo found himself mesmerized by the song, and before he knew it the cry had stopped. Yu Feng Ge gently laid his son in the crib and guided his wife back to bed.

"What song was that?"

"I don't know where I heard it before but it was the first thing to pop into my head. Why, did you like it?"

"Hmm, can you sing it again?" Yu Feng Ge kissed his forehead and started humming the song again, slowly Lin Mo gradually fell asleep to the sound of his husband's voice.

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