2.6 Tian Chen

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After their little session in the water, Lin Mo was too exhausted to walk back so naturally Tian Chen carried his little lover on his back to the cave. Lin Mo happily hummed a little tune to himself, the same one Yu Feng Ge would sing to their son. Tian Chen felt a sense of familiarity listening to him but couldn't place his finger on it.

"We should start picking names for the baby," Lin Mo suggested.

"The baby isn't here yet, we don't know if it will be a boy or girl."

"Then we pick both. How about Da Gou for a boy and Xiao Mao for a girl?"

**Host! What kind of names are those??**

Tian Chen made a face at the names.

"Big dog and little cat? Are you naming pets or children?" Lin Mo moved up a little more to look at his husband's face.

"Then you pick or I'll just go with my names." Tian Chen rolled his eyes and went silent for a while before replying.

"Tian Ming for a boy, Tian Chun for a girl." Tian Chen thought these were good names, at least they were better than Lin Mo's picks.

"Why do they get your last name?" Lin Mo pouted. Tian Chen smiled hearing the spoiled tone.

"Because you are my wife, naturally the child will have my surname." Lin Mo couldn't refute so he bit Tian Chen's earlobe to vent out his anger.

Soon the two arrived at the cave but there was a subtle difference in the air. The two looked at each other before Lin Mo jumped off and ran into the cave, Tian Chen following closely behind him.

When they reached where the flower was they saw a white mist surrounding the area where the flower was. The silver bud of the flower, now twice the size of a watermelon, was glowing with the ten little lights frantically floating around it. Lin Mo grabbed onto his husband in worry.

"Tian Chen what's going on? Is something wrong with it?" Tian Chen didn't know either as watched the plant with worry and concern.

**Host don't worry, the plant is just getting ready to bloom. Host's little bun is going to be born soon!** Lin Mo lit up at the system's reassurance. Lin Mo started pulling Tian Chen over.

"Forget what I said, the plant is blooming! The baby is here! Come on, we have to watch." Lin Mo dragged them both to crouch next to the plant. He suddenly remembered he didn't have any baby clothes or blankets or even milk!

'Bai! Quick I need to buy some baby clothes, a blanket and milk!'

**Ok host that will be 90 points!**

Lin Mo nearly spit out blood in anger.

'90 points!? This is daylight robbery! I'll give you 50 take it or leave it.'

**The prices are set by the system, Bai has no control.' Lin Mo continued to barter with the system and finally caved and paid the 90 points. The items were sent to his storage ring and he continued crouching there with a depressed aura. Tian Chen found it funny he went from happy to angry to depressed in the span of a minute. He reached out to pinch the puffy cheeks.

"You were just happy a minute ago." Lin Mo looked at Tian Chen with  a heartbroken look.

"Tian Chen, would you still love me if I was broke?" Tian Chen felt his mouth twitch.

"You don't have to worry about money, your husband is very rich." Lin Mo perked up. Of course, how could he forget? His husband was so amazing how could he possibly be poor. Before Lin Mo could respond the bud started glowing more intensely.

"It's happeninggg!" Lin Mo slapped Tian Chen's arm in excitement before grabbing onto said arm tightly.

The ten little lights that were frantically zooming around the flower bud seemed to have been sucked back into the flower bud. The silver bud pulsed once before letting out a bright white glow. Lin Mo and Tian Chen watched in anticipation as the petals of the flower bud slowly began to unfurl. Once the petals fell and the glow receded, it revealed a beautiful looking baby peacefully sleeping on its back in the flower stamens.

Lin Mo held his breath and moved closer. The baby had white milky skin with rosy cheeks, a small button nose with thin lips, wispy black hair, and a red flower marking on its chest. Lin Mo silently shook Tian Chen's arm in excitement and awe. Tian Chen himself was also amazed, he knew the whole point was for a baby to be born but seeing it actually happened made it felt more real.

The sleeping baby eventually opened it's eyes to reveal black grape like eyes, unlike the typical blue eyes of a newborn. The baby seemed to recognize the two men and let out a big gummy smile while waving its lotus root like arms at them.

Lin Mo's decades of parenting kicked in and smoothly took out a blanket first to pick up the baby from the flower. It was then they discovered the baby was a boy. Lin Mo wrapped up the baby snugly before turning to show off to his husband.

"Tian Chen, we have a son!" Lin Mo was all smiles as he brought the baby closer to his father. Tian Chen looked down to see the baby also examining him. His heart felt soft as he gently rubbed a finger against the chubby cheek and vaguely thought it felt similar to Lin Mo's.

"Tian Ming suits him." Tian Ming managed to free one arm and grabbed onto his father's finger before sticking it in his mouth.

"He seems hungry but we don't have any milk." Tian Chen wasn't planning for a baby when he left the sect and was woefully unprepared. He would have to make sure to prepare for all of his little family's needs when he returns. He would also need to inform the sect leader of his impending marriage too, and his master.

"Don't worry I already have that covered." Lin Mo patted his chest in reassurance but Tian Chen misinterpreted it and looked at his chest with a thoughtful (horny) look. Lin Mo felt a shiver suddenly go down his spine.

Later, Tian Chen would be sporting a growing bump on his head while holding the baby as Lin Mo heated up the cow milk he bought from the system.

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