5 - "and I don't believe in zombies"

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Blondie is the first too break the silence
"You said you'd told us everything, there was so much you hadn't told us!!!"
"How can we trust you when you consistently lie!!" Coral's calm authoritative demeaner no where to be found

Qrow, who has been silent since coming out of the vision, walks over to Ozpin, Oscar, Ozpin, arghh; and punches him squarely in the face.
"No one wanted me, the bad luck I carried with me pushed everyone away and then you gave me a place. I finally felt like I was doing some good"
"You are" Ozpin tries
"No!" Qrow grows agitated "meeting you was the worst bad luck of my life" he finishes, we all fall silent

"You're right" Ozpin's voice is quiet and I almost feel sorry for him.

"He's gone" Oscars voice resurfaces
"Oh no, bring him back here I still have more to say!" Blondie raises her voice again
"No I mean he's really gone, it's like he's hidden himself in my head, I can't hear him anymore"
"You have got to be kidding me!" Blondie throws her hands up

"I don't fully understand what's going on here" Maria interrupts Blondie's next rant "but I do know if we keep standing around here we'll all freeze to death" we all nod and start getting ready to leave turning away from Oscar; I go to follow suit until I see little Rose approach him, he's sporting a sad expression and is shaking slightly.
"I'm just going to be another of his lives aren't I?" His eyes water resulting in him looking like a hurt puppy.
"No of course not" little Rose tries to reassure him though Qrow doesn't seem too sure
"Don't lie to him Ruby, we're better than that"

"Ouch" its only when Blake nudges me that I notice I had said that out loud, I shrug as we all set off on our journey to find somewhere to await the end of the storm.

"There's a path this way and in my experience a path always leads somewhere" Maria points out and we all decide to wordlessly follow her suggestion.

It feels like we've been walking forever, my legs ache and I feel like an ice cube; it doesn't help that Blondie won't stop complaining

"I thought you said every path leads somewhere" she quips, Maria just huffs in response.

Before long we come across what looks to be a small town, Maria looks over her shoulder smugly at Blondie, the entrance to the town has a sign which says 'Brunswick Farm'

We enter the area only for it to be completely dead, the lack of noise creates an eerie setting
"Where is everyone?" Ash looks around
"Looks abandoned" Little Rose comments

"Or maybe they just don't like visitors, seems like me and this lot have something in common" I snort, I can actually feel all of their eyes on me.
Qrow leads us up to the biggest house, the doors locked, before he forces it open he turns to us
"Get ready" we all ready our weapons as the door swings open, I'm surprised it doesn't come off its hinges. Like it had outside, the building seems abandoned.

I'm getting a bad vibe from this place.

"Close the door already, it's cold enough as it is" Maria moans, I roll my eyes

"Someone get a fire going and see if you can find any blankets, no one goes anywhere alone" Qrow orders before he heads into another room
"We'll start the fire" Coral volunteers her and Ash
"I'll get some blankets" Weiss speaks up from her spot behind me
"I'll go with you" I suggest and we both head up the creaky stairs, it somehow feels colder up here.

"I'll check this room, you check the next room" I instruct as I head into what looks to be a study, I don't even manage to open a single drawer before I hear a scream of absolute terror. I nearly trip over my own feet as I turn quickly and run to the next room, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what freaked Weiss out.

On the big double bed lies two skeletons holding hands, creepy
" 'Least now I know why I was getting a bad vibe from this place, thought I was paranoid" Weiss jumps at the sound of my voice, she still seems to be catching her breath from the fright "I'll look for blankets" I offer "you go downstairs and calm down"
"Qrow told us to stick together" Weiss, who's eyes haven't moved off of the dead bodies, brings up
"I hardly believe these two will cause me any problems and I don't believe in zombies" she nods and leaves wordlessly. I know if she was in her right mind she would have called me out for being disrespectful.

I don't find any blankets in the drawers or under the bed but I perk up when I check the wardrobe, on the top shelf there is an abundance of fluffy blankets and even some spare pillows. I grab a pile of them and head to the top of the stairs where I throw the first pile down, I am not walking up and down the stairs numerous times
"Hey!" I hear someone complain, the pile of blankets must have fallen on him, I smile amused
"Sorry Ash" I call down half heartedly as I go and grab the last blankets I found. I throw them down and walk down the stairs before picking them up again and walking them into the big room where there is now a crackling fire. Blake takes the blankets off of me to hand them out, I observe her as she pats Weiss on the shoulder affectionately before draping a blanket around her.

"We should see if we can find some food" Little Rose suggests to try to distract an unnaturally quiet Weiss, said girl gets up and follows Little Rose into the other room.

"Where did Qrow go?" I ask having just noticed his absence
"He went to go search the other houses" Coral speaks up
"Oh" I nod as I sit in front of the fire warming up my hands which are still burning from the cold.

Silver Belladonna (Jaune Arc x oc) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora