2 -"When someone's worth it..."

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Dad paces around the room awaiting the signal that the crowd is ready outside for his speech.

Blake sits far away from me, clearly not wanting to make up any time soon.

"Honey, stop pacing" mum places a hand on his shoulder "it'll be fine, it has to be done, they deserve to know" dad nods before jumping a little when Sunny places his hand on his other shoulder I can't help the small chuckle at the look on my dads face.
"Yeah you'll be great" Sunny tries to be supportive
"I really don't like you" Dad shakes his head whilst Sunny, unfazed, situates himself next to Blake.

"Sir it's time" a menagerie guard opens the door slightly to inform

"Are you ready?" Mum asks dad
"It won't be easy for them to know the truth but as you said it has to be done"

As a family we leave the house to see a huge crowd of faunas, my eyes immediately find Corsac and Fennec, I roll my eyes.

"Thank you all for assembling here. I wanted to take time to address some of the rumors that have been circulating around our island. I believe that it is important for the people of this territory to understand the truth. No matter how you feel about the human race, I think we can all agree that the event now known as the Fall of Beacon was a tragedy. A tragedy that will set both man and Faunus-kind back. While the main aggressor is still unknown, we do have official confirmation that Adam Taurus the leader of a powerful splinter group and his associate Crimson Amitola, were partially responsible for these attacks. Their actions not only tarnished the reputation of an organization originally created to bring peace and equality to all, but to our entire race. With each day that these men remain unpunished, it becomes increasingly difficult to condemn those that look down upon us."
The crowd start chatting amongst themselves until my dad silences then with a mere raise of his hand
"Recently, a spy from the same splinter group set their sights on this very home. My own daughters Blake" he gestures to Blake who looks beyond awkward "Silver" he gestures to me but I stand still as a statue "and there friend did their very best to apprehend this individual. While they were unsuccessful after being physically assaulted, they were successful in obtaining the assailant's Scroll." Dad holds the scroll up for all to see "With this, we have learnt that Adam Taurus and Crimson Amitola have plans to overthrow the current leader of the White Fang, Sienna Khan, and take over the reins themselves."
The residents of menagerie are unable to contain their shock and fear
"Their radical plans do not stop there, the documents on this scroll proclaim their next target is Haven Academy and its attached CCT Tower. Their plan is to strike on the last full moon before the beginning of the Fall semester, roughly two months from today. I have sent my swiftest messenger to the government of Mistral, but I do believe we have a greater responsibility. My relationship with the White Fang has been" he pauses trying to find the right word "an interesting one. Years ago, I led the organization to help try and create a world where I, and every Faunus who wished, could walk alongside the human race. And while I believe we made great strides toward this goal, it was made clear to me that the people both in and out of the White Fang wanted faster results. So I stepped down, and Sienna Khan was appointed as my successor. It's true that I do not fully condone many of her methods. What I do condone is what Sienna fights for: the idea that the Faunus and humans are, and should be, equal. Adam Taurus and Crimson Amitola do not seem to have that goal in mind. What they have done benefits no one but themselves. I think it's time that the Faunus showed the world that we are equals! Time that we snuff out this splinter group, and restore the White Fang to what it once was!"

The crowd begins to cheer.
"To do this, I think the answer is clear, we must go to Haven and protect it at all costs!"

The crowd goes silent processing dads plan, but my dad is not phased as he continues.

"Before we proceed any further however I'd like to invite my daughters to come and share their story. Since they were not only members of the White Fang but they also survived the Fall of Beacon."

Me and Blake step up to the podium, I go straight up to the microphone whilst Blake faces dad. I hear him whisper
"You can do this." Trying to reassure her.

However, before I can say a single word to address the crowd a familiar voice breaks through the crowd causing a huff to escape through my lips.

"TRAITORS!!" Ilia is wearing her Grimm mask, I note, as she makes herself clear to us and the crowd by clearing an area.
"Ilia" Sunny clenches his fists
"Cowards! After everything the humans have done to us, everything they've put us through, you're asking us to help them?!" I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest fed up.

"I know we haven't been treated fairly.." dad tried to calm her and the crowd to no avail

"Where was their help when the Dust companies treated our people like slaves?! Where was their help when Kingdoms hunted Faunus just for being who they are?! Where was my help when my parents were killed in a Dust mine?! WHERE?!" Her voice raises more and more as she continues to speak. And I don't seem to be the only one getting frustrated as my dad starts losing his temper

"Young lady, progress takes patience and cooperation!"

"The Belladonnas are the worst kind of Faunus! They want us to work with the same people that are trying to hold us down! If you truly, truly want to help your people, now is the time to support Adam and my brother Crimson, not the Belladonnas!" I sneak around the crowd to make my way to her "They will bring about the future that you deserve. And if you are unwilling to fight, know that the White Fang will do it for you!" She finishes.

It turns out I'm not the only one going after her as Sunny gets to her first shouting

Ilia disappears and the menagerie guards go after them.

The crowd starts to disperse quietly. I turn towards my family
"That went well" my mum tilts her head to the side slightly, shaking her head at me "what?" I shrug

Once we make it back into the house and into the living room dad finally addresses us.
"Tomorrow you take to the streets of menagerie to get as many faunas' to join us as possible" we all nod and go our own way, or at least I try to as mum grabs my arm softly tugging me into the kitchen.

"Honey, what's going on with you and Blake? It's not normal to see you two apart so often" she asks softly
"It's fine" I go to walk out but she grabs my arm again giving me the mum look that she has clearly perfected over the years. "She still believes that Ilia can be saved" i tell her.
"And you don't?" She questions
"Of course not! as if it isn't enough that she attacked sunny and spoke out against us today, as if that isn't enough to convince Blake which it should be, but Ilia is also Crimsons sister, and she is a carbon copy of him. I'm not going to give her however many chances Blake seems fit because she doesn't deserve it" mum watches me silently, looking obviously concerned
"Everyone deserves another chance and perhaps she can come around like your sister believes"
"Then your as naive as she is" I shake my head as I leave almost walking straight into dad, I go around hearing him say as I head for the stairs.
"There's much strength in forgiveness Silver, remember that" I turn my head towards them
"When someone's worth it I'll offer my forgiveness" i stamp up the rest of the stairs heading into my room, collapsing on my bed.

Silver Belladonna (Jaune Arc x oc) Where stories live. Discover now