8 - "You monster!!"

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"Well, well, well" the chilling voice of Adam Taurus hits my ears and I visibly shudder.

Adams voice also pulls over the attention of my ex Crimson Amitola.
"Hello gorgeous" he eyes me and I try to keep up a strong persona
"My love after everything we went through and you left like that" Adam clicks his fingers tauntingly towards Blake, I grab her hand to support her but I think it was subconsciously for me as well "I always knew you would leave" he hisses towards me like a snake and I simply grin in response, silently glad he distracted me from Crimson "but never you Blake you believed in the cause, in me" Blake trembles slightly and I know she's struggling to stay in control.
"You knew I'd leave like I always knew you were a psychopath" i sassily remark keeping his attention away from Blake. Though I know I should not have said that, stupid foot in mouth disease, he already hates you, just stop
"I am helping our kind whilst you two hide who you are, it's pathetic" he points at the bows on our heads. "You'll pay for leaving, you've sided with them, but don't worry no physical harm will come to you my love or your ungrateful sister" I growl at him

"Blake" I hear Blondie's voice call and see Blake's eyes go wide
"Silver!" Lav, no, no, no. I shake my head

"Everyone you love will pay for your mistakes" Crimson snarls which finally makes me face him
"Starting with them" Adam points to the part of the wall that had been broken where Blondie and Lav now stand.

"Run!" I call desperately hoping for once someone might listen to me
"Yang go" Blake whimpers

The two girls, our teammates, ignore our pleas and simply start fighting the two psychotic boys. I run to Lav's aid but am frozen in my place.

I hate Crimson.

His semblance sucks.

I am frozen watching his anger turn onto my friend and teammate.

I turn when I hear a horrific snap and see Blondie's arm fall to the ground but I notice Blake hit Adam from behind, he turns to attack but she creates a shadow of herself and takes Blondie out of the building.

My eyes fall onto Lav, my eyes desperately tell her to run but when she's distracted Crimson she comes to me.

Warning - a little bit bloody, this will show —————— when it's over

"What's wrong? What happened? Why can't you move? I'll get you out of here" she tries to grab my arm "I can-" she looks down at her stomach as she convulses slightly, I look down as well and see a familiar dagger in her stomach. Crimson twists it creating a gaping hole in her stomach and her blood splatters all over me, she heavily collapses to the floor blood spilling everywhere.

"You monster!!" I scream as he unfreezes me, I want to go for him, make him feel the pain that I'm feeling, make him pay but I instead grab Lav and run. I keep running until I see my team, team RWBY and team SSSN and I collapse as Lav lets out her final breathe. "No!!!" I scream. The teams run over but stop in there tracks when they see the body of Lav.

"No" I hear Corals voice as she quickens her steps and kneels beside me resting her head on my shoulder. She looks at the gaping hole in her abdomen and gags. "How did...?"
"Crimson Amitola, he did it to hurt me" I stutter "I'm so sorry"
"It's not your fault" Ash sits beside me placing his hand on Lav's head and closing her eyes. "Lav wouldn't blame you, she was so worried about you" he tells me as he tries, but fails, to hold back tears.

I stand looking up at my sister and down at my outfit which is stained in Lav's dried blood
"I need time" i murmur as I walk away


"She's dead, Lav's dead" I cry on my sisters shoulder, for once not worried about looking weak
"I want to go home" Blake whispers
"Me too" I agree us both thinking the same thing, we can't be around them now with as much guilt that's eating us up.

We spare a last glance at our friends and we head to a ship to get to Vale.

Once there we walk to the docks and catch a boat.

I feel empty.

Silver Belladonna (Jaune Arc x oc) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن