1 - "I hate everything about this"

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"I don't see why we couldn't just go home" I comment as I lay on the very uncomfortable bed
"I can't face them" Blake states once again
"You faced them straight after you left" i point out
"No I lived with them I never brought it up or dealt with it"

We have a week until the Vytal festival and whilst a lot of people have gone home for this short time Blake somehow managed to convince me to stay in this inn.

"I'm so bored" I complain "I'm going out" i tell her as I get up and head for the door and eventually onto the streets that make up Vale.

I kick stones as I go feeling increasingly bored

"But I'm hungry!!" I know that voice, I turn the corner and see "Jaune!!!!! Tell him!!!!" Nora moans

"Hey!" I jog over to them "what are you guys doing here?" I ask
"Hey Silver, well me and Ren are orphans so we have no home to go to so we're staying here and Jaune decided to stay here with us" I nod
"Cool" we start walking the streets of Vale until Nora spots a pancake stand and runs off Ren following close behind "well there gone" I turn to look at Jaune
"I've been abandoned" he throws his arms up in the air
"Do i not count or something?"
"Of course you do" he replies quickly
"Your fine I'm just teasing" he smiles seemingly calmer "I'm hungry, come on" I grab his arm and pull him to this little pastry shop which I have come to love

I head to the counter
"Could I have two steak pasties please?"
"Of course" I hand over the lien and grab the two bags; both containing a pasty. I head out to meet Jaune and pass him one and we sit on a bench as we eat. He takes a bite and a pleasant smile forms
"Good isn't it?"
"It's amazing"
"This is what I'll miss about Vale when I go home"
"So you won't miss any of us just the pasties?" He asks mockingly
"Pretty much" I lick my lips as I then laugh

For the rest of the day we look around some shops and just have a laugh, I guess he's not that annoying or maybe I'm just that bored either way it's been a good day. I think as we head to the inn I'm staying at
"See you later" he offers and I nod smiling

I head in and meet Blake who is sat at the desk writing
"Hey" I announce my presence
"Where have you been?" She asks sounding concerned
"Chill out, I was with Jaune" i tell her shrugging
"Yeah he stayed in Vale to"
"No I got that I was just confused that you spent a whole day with him" I shrug
"I was bored I finished the three books I brought with me ages ago" I comment
"So to get you to speak to people I have to take your books?" My sister questions as she faces me
"Don't you dare" i point at her and we both laugh


We climb out of the little ship and onto the Amity Colosseum,
"This'll be fun" I walk with my sister to the entrance and we head to the middle to meet with the other teams competing to hear rules and that.
I ,spotting my team, head off to join them
"Silver!" They all call as they embrace me taking me by surprise
"Hi" I reply awkwardly
"Hey Silver" I felt a tap on my shoulder
"Hey Jaune"
"Hello again Silver"
"Phyrra" I nod in acknowledgment

"Your attention please" Professor Port speaks through the intercom
"Now this tournament will be split up into three rounds, over the break you will have been sent a schedule of the team rounds, once the team rounds are complete the winning team of each round will pick two people to go into the double rounds should you come out victorious you will once again choose one to go on." Professor Oobleck explains very quickly I almost miss it
"Good luck to all of you, the rest of the teams may go apart from team RWBY and team ABRN" my team and I head out and towards the stands to watch my sisters team with team JNPR and team SSSN.
"This will be easy for them" Sunny speaks up from beside me where he had seemed to have stolen Ash's seat
"Hey I was going to sit there!" He complains as he makes his way over
"Too bad I'm sitting with my bestie Silver" i eye him strangely
"Whatever" I roll my eyes
"See she's ecstatic" he winks at me
"Save that for Blake" I comment, surprisingly Sunny blushes
"Aw he's blushing" the voice startles me as I look to my left to see Nep had now occupied that seat clearly pushing team JNPR to move down like Sunny did with my team
"What are you doing?" I ask the blue haired boy
"Smart ass" i huff as we turn back to the arena


As I had thought earlier it was an easy win for team RWBY
"Let's go meet them" Nep and Sunny take one of my hands each. I turn back to Ash and mouth
'What is happening?" To which he laughs making no move to free me.

"Blake!" Sunny calls and my sister ,hearing her name being called, turns around only to burst out in laughter at seeing me squished between the two boys
"Help me" I plead as we arrive right in front of her
"No" she shakes her head as the rest of team RWBY join her and also join in the teasing causing me to groan loudly.

"We should head to the fairground and get some food, might as well make the most of the food there whilst it's here, isn't that right bestie?" He questions looking at me whilst laughing with Nep
"I hate everything about this" I moan

We arrive at the fairground and the two boys had to finally let me go when we sit down for food.
Sadly there isn't enough chairs so I shove my sister to sit in Sunny's lap, he was all to happy to oblige to being her chair, and I push Schnee onto Nep, she glares at me to which I shrug. And then lastly ,so I don't have to sit on someone's lap I push Coral onto Ash and after I have meddled enough I sit down on my own seat all to happy with myself as a lot of the people sat with me glare in my direction but I simply smile smugly.

I finish up as the rest of the group does
"Thanks Phyrra" I nod thanking her for paying
"No problem" she nods

"How are you guys feeling about your match?" Blondie asks
"Fine I mean the worst that can happen is we lose and then for the next few years were called losers and we're laughed at and me and Ren have no family so no home to go to so we'll have to stay in Vale and we'll be known by the world as team LoserPR" Nora cries out as she shakes her head
"So we're feeling pretty great" Ren comments
"Don't fret, we should be happy that we're just dealing with another team and not murderers like you guys have" Phyrra comments as I snort

"Team JNPR please head to the arena" Professor Ports voice comes out of the speakers that are dotted around the fairground
"Yeah like you were scheduled to 5 minutes ago!" Oobleck exclaims

"Well we best be off"
"I don't feel well" Jaune holds his stomach
"Oh aim it at the enemy!" Nora calls
"Ew that's gross, but if you do feel the urge" Ren finishes
"Got it" Jaune offers a thumbs up as the team gets up and heads off

"We should go too so we can watch" Blondie speaks up
"She's got a point" Blake speaks up from where she is still surprisingly sat on Sunny's lap.

Silver Belladonna (Jaune Arc x oc) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें