2 - "No idea but it's really frustrating"

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We find a spot full of vacant seats for us to sit together.

"Let the fight begin!" Professor Port calls, not even a second later do team JNPR head into the fight against the guys of team BENZ as the girl from the team heads into the trees out of site. Shots are fired from inside the small forest and Jaune calls for a retreat probably to create a battle plan.

They head back in clearly making sure to keep moving, Ren heading into a fight against one of the guys which results in him being electrocuted but the other guy then moves onto using the electricity against Nora; big mistake. She fires back stronger knocking him back so hard he crashes through destroying a massive rock.

One of the biomes is a mountain and clouds start to form above it; meaning electrical storm, so Jaune instructs Nora to charge up.

Ren distracts the sniper who tries to go for Nora as she climbs but she fails to hit her as Phyrra uses her shield to block the shot.

Nora transforms her weapon and shoots at the tree line, exploding it resulting in a thick cloud of smoke which exposes the girls hiding spot.

That's when it gets really weird.

"What are they doing?" Sunny asks from beside me
"Looks like they're having a conversation" I comment aloud, the Colosseum goes quiet as everyone watches the two teams intently not being able to make out what they're saying until a guy from team BENZ shouts
"We're in the middle of a fight!" Making me laugh along with Sunny who is equally amused
"And we're in the middle of a conversation what aren't you getting about that?!" Jaune shouts back just making me and Sunny laugh harder

Eventually Nora swings her hammer knocking their opponents out

"And with that team JNPR are victorious!" Professor Port calls
"Well that was eventful" Nep speaks up from his seat next to Schnee


And now it's my turn, yippee, note the lack of excitement

"This'll be fantastic" Lav beams as she jumps on Ash's back
"Contain your excitement this is a fight after all" Coral intervenes holding her staff at her side looking like an evil sorceress from one of the books i read as a kid.

"Next up is team CLAS from Beacon against team BAND from Haven!" Oobleck calls
"Oooooh talk about a mismatch team" the girl on the other team mocks pointing at us causing me to roll my eyes unimpressed, but I turn to gauge my teammates reactions out of curiosity and I am not disappointed, Coral unsurprisingly looks frustrated, Lav looks taken aback whilst Ash looks like he isn't really listening.
"Mock us, that doesn't make you seem childish at all" I reply bored
"Excuse me?!" She shrieks
"Shriek like a banshee that'll change my mind" I roll my eyes

"3,2,1, fight" the girl comes straight for me with her, what looks to be a magic wand like a wizard would have or maybe a fairy. She waves it at me causing a ball of fire to head straight for me. My semblance will come in handy then I think before I activate it slipping out of view using my invisibility to sneak behind her grabbing her and throwing her back before taking my spear and attacking her head on. She quickly ducks sending another ball of fire at me which I easily dodge.

"And Noir is out!" I hear Oobleck comment

Finally I swing at the girl resulting in her hitting the barrier, and she's out

"Aqua is out!" Port this time calls

I quickly head to Lav's aid as she tries to fight of this guy who is fighting with what looks to be an electrical whip which he swiftly swings at me only giving me a couple of seconds to dodge it which I luckily do; though Lav wasn't so fast; she's hit in the shoulder, which shocks her so bad that she can't use her semblance.

"And Lavender is out" Port calls

I retreat back noticing his weapon signifies he's better close range and when I'm far enough away I click the button and fire at him with my crossbow. He flips and spins the whip but it's not long before he trips up and gets hit several times all in one go resulting in loss of balance so Ash can take him by surprise after deactivating his semblance which allows him to shrink and he knocks the opponent out from behind.

We're in a fight and Ash still finds the time to wink at me as the guy's aura depletes and he's out

"Bruno is out!" Calls Oobleck

We all join together to stop the last girl who fought with mechanical wings, which seem to have pistols on them with varieties of dust imbedded in them.

We easily overpower her as she's on her own and the fight is over.

"Dove is out meaning the victors are the members of team CLAS"

Ash hugs me from behind, I allow it for a couple of seconds before I elbow him to let me go; which just results in him moving on to Coral.

We leave the stadium meeting the others

"Congrats" Jaune is the first to greet us
"You too" Coral nods being weirdly formal
"You did good" Blake awkwardly pats my back and I just nod as to acknowledge the sentiment

"Great fight bestie" i frown at the closeness of Sunny to me
"We're not besties" I comment "and if we were there is no way I would ever use the term bestie" i scrunch up my face cringing at the use of the term
"Besties" Nep wraps an arm around my shoulders
"Nope" I shrug him off and walk a bit away to stand with Schnee who was cleverly keeping herself out of the group.
"Congratulations" she nods
"You too" I face her for a second before turning back to the group
"There's no point going back to the school we have 30 minutes before team SSSN's fight" she informs to which I hum confirming I'd heard. "Should we go to the stands and just wait there?" She asks
"We could get some popcorn first" I shrug
"Okay" and we both walk away from the group and over to a little stand which is selling fun treats including the popcorn I suddenly crave.
I get us a portion for us to share and we head to the stands making sure to get seats at the front to have the best view later.

"This is good" I simply state as I take another handful of popcorn
"True" I nod

Me and Schnee, no Weiss, if we're friends I should probably call her by her first name, are actually good friends, have been since the dance; not that either of us have actually confirmed it, we don't even need to talk much to know we'd lend an ear at this point; makes it easier and less awkward I'll tell you.
And we use each other as our getaway card, one of us is usually awkward enough to be separate from the group so the other can join them and we swiftly leave together.

"Why have Sun and Neptune attached themselves to you all of a sudden?" Weiss asks breaking the blissful silence which I was enjoying. I huff but respond anyway
"No idea but it's really frustrating"
"I mean Sun could be because he likes your sister"
"True" I agree
"But Neptune; maybe it's just because he's friends with Sun and he's following his lead" she thinks aloud
"Or they were bored over the week break and to stop the boredom carrying on when they got back they decided to spend there time annoying me" I wonder
"Maybe it's a bet to see which one will annoy you the most"
"Hmmm maybe" I shrug

Finally the silence falls over us again as we just sit there eating waiting for the stadium to fill up once again with the bustling of supporters.

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