7 - "Arghhh, same here"

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Blake enters the school hall with a small but effective battle cry hitting the large man ,who looks like a giant, slightly away from Nora and Ren.

Yang and Blake nod at each other, such a small gesture that clearly means so much to my sister, before Yang takes off after Cinder.

"Silver Belladonna" the playful voice of Mercury Black fills my ears
"Oh good your here to" I turn towards him "I never liked you" I add before grabbing my spear and heading for him my spear hits against his leg with a loud clash, he aims a punch at my head but I duck in the nick of time. I crouch and sweep my leg at his legs hoping to knock him off balance but he's clearly ready for this as he jumps back slightly avoiding it. He aims a clever shot at my abdomen but my spear blocks it at the last minute. He aims several more shots and I know I'm struggling more and more to block them when a familiar face knocks Mercury off balance from behind.

"Silver" my former team leader holds the tip of her sword against Mercurys neck keeping him down, i look around to see the other two, Emerald and the large man from earlier, were being held back be team RWBY.

The lift bit that I briefly saw Yang use to go down to who knows where starts making noises coming back up, Mercury, whilst we're distracted joins Emeralds side. But the misery on their faces is as clear as day when it is Yang who rises up and not their precious Cinder.

"Yang!" Little rose calls out to her sister as an arm around my shoulders makes me jump in fear but the smug look on Ash's face calms me down whilst simultaneously annoying me

"Noooooo!!!!" Emerald screams holding her head and an image appears of a woman, a terrifying woman, screaming heading straight for us in a whisp of smoke. I cover my face turning away only for the image to disappear as suddenly as it had appeared.

Mercury, Emerald and the giant, much like Crimson and Adam, run like cowards leaving me, my team, team RWBY, remaining members of team JNPR, a small boy and an old guy who I recognise as little Rose's uncle from when he fought Winter in front of Beacon.

Hearing my sisters voice I turn towards the front to see my sister with my parents, sunny and Ilia. I head over quietly listening to their conversation

".......have to go your own way, we know" mum sighs "but it looks like it'll be dangerous" she states worriedly
"I'll be with my team, I'll be okay, I have to do this" Blake stands taller
"We have to do this" they finally notice me
"I know you do" she pulls us into a hug with dad and eventually they let Sunny join. We all pull out of the family hug and me, being me, decides to break up the emotional moment as it's making me slightly uncomfortable by making a comment
"Look at that already accepted as the son-in-law" mum and dad shake there heads at me as Sunny laughs and Blake blushes

"Be careful both of you" dad says
"We will"
"We've got to go and get everyone back to menagerie, we love you" Mum wipes her eyes
"We love you too" Blake smiles
"We should...." I gesture to the others in the room
"Of course" mum nods and I turn and walk away, emotions are not my strong suit.

"Good to have you back Silver" Coral smiles softly, i look down noticing her hands in Ash's, i look up again and down again, shaking my head to see if I'm seeing this right
"Are you two?" I gesture between them, Coral blushes whilst Ash winks "didn't see that coming" I comment
"You would have done if you didn't leave" the comment leaves Corals mouth coming out a little accusatory
"I shouldn't have left but it's something I had to do" I simply state
"We know" Ash nods calmly "doesn't mean it didn't suck" I let out a little chuckle
"Hmmmm, one way to put it I suppose" I shrug, I let out a deep breathe "I'm sorry, I was only thinking of myself and didn't think how you two would be feeling after the event, I should have stuck around to be there for you" I let out honestly
"It's okay, I don't know how I would have been if I witnessed it so I guess running makes sense" Coral let's a tear drop.
Before I can talk myself out of it I pull the girl into a tight hug, I feel tears fall on my shoulder, I rub Coral's back. We pull back,
"I love you guys" Coral sniffles
"I love you both so much" Ash smiles brightly, I roll my eyes as they both watch me waiting
"Arghhh, same here"

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