Volume 3 - Silver's background

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- was a member of the White fang from age 6 to age 16; she wanted to leave a year before her sister but Crimson was manipulative and she also didn't want to leave Blake
- She dates Crimson from 14 to 16; she wanted to break up with him around age 15-16 but he was manipulative
- since Ilia is Crimson's sister she was a good friend of Silver's

Her main skills:
- Flying (planes, helicopters, military airships etc) she started this in the White Fang as a getaway pilot when the White Fang stole as she preferred not to get involved in it hands on
- Being the getaway driver a lot meant she could conduct trains; not as good as flying
- she is skilled in short range and long range combat
- she is also skilled in hand to hand combat
- she is a skilled gymnast
- she is also an amazing hacker (probably due to her lack of trust in people)

Her favourite hobbies are:
- Reading
- Flying planes, airships or helicopters
- Fighting
- Gymnastics

- following emotions
- focus
- listening
- she's very impulsive
- doesn't trust anyone outside of her family, causes her to fall out with everyone
- being in crowds

- people leaving her
- deep water
- ending up alone in the end because she's pushed everyone away
- losing her sister

Silver Belladonna (Jaune Arc x oc) Where stories live. Discover now