3 - "Jinn! What's happening?!"

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It's not long before Yang, unsurprisingly, loses her cool and starts yelling; probably due to the fact that she's struggling to get her prized possession, her motorbike, out of the snow.
"Great! We're stranded, we lost a third of our party, and we've gained a defenseless old lady!"
I nod seeing her point

"Keep it together Yang" Coral helps Yang extract the bike from the snow but both girls fall over followed by the bike, I laugh with Ash who then helps Coral up.
The defenceless old lady steps forward a bit offended I think
"My name is Maria Calavera, and I am not defenseless! I'm just a little hard of hearing. And blind without my eyes, that are in desperate need of repair" she taps her glasses which had dimmed again before sighing and relenting "Okay, I'm starting to see your point."
"Yang, knock it off, will ya? If we lose our cool now, we'll just be inviting even more Grimm." Qrow intervenes also having lost his cool, does it run in the family; short temper.
"Does that even matter? Apparently, we've been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven." Blake huffs, great everyone's lost it
"Oh, and how could I forget about that?" Yangs annoyed expression from the train falls back onto her face "What happened to no more lies and half truths?" She questions

"Yeah, I think it's time we got an explanation" Oscar agrees as he looks up before his eyes glow and Ozpin's voice fills our ears; still weird.

"I did not lie to you" he starts calmly
"Well you definitely didn't tell us everything about the Relic did you?" I interrupt receiving glares off everyone "what?!"

"Please, now is not the time." He shakes his head and I stamp my feet like a child
"No, she's right we're so past that! I wanna know why you're still not telling us everything!" Yang takes my side much to my amazement

"It is true that the Grimm are attracted to the Relics." Ozpin says, wait Oscar, Ozpin, arghhh "It's faint, but undeniable. I believe it has to do with their origin, but I'm not entirely sure. Regardless, I feared that making you all aware would only add anxiety and negativity. It seemed like the safer option."

"Yeah that worked out well didn't it" I snort shaking my head
"You know, I'm getting real tired of people deciding what's best for me." Weiss mutters

"Is that why you chose to lie to everyone about Lionheart too?" Yang comments
"Yes, as a matter of fact I did, I believed the Kingdom of Mistral deserved better than the truth. And I believed Leonardo deserved to be remembered for his lifetime of service, and not for the unfortunate missteps he made in his final years." He coolly expresses.
"Missteps, you call them missteps?!" My voice raises
"What Professor Lionheart did was reprehensible."
"You think?!"
"Silver, I am not here to argue differently, but does one lapse in judgment truly negate all of his good?"I roll my eyes "Do we not all have regrets? You may have met Professor Lionheart, but you never met the man he was before Salem found him."

"Look, we're supposed to be in this together." Coral situates herself beside me
"You can trust us! We're not gonna turn our backs on you." Yang tells him
"Do you really think Leo was the first?!" Ozpin's voice raises stopping us all "That he didn't say those exact same words to me?" He lets out a long winded sigh "I'm sorry, but you have to understand that my behaviors are backed by experience. I'm not saying that I have reason to think you will betray me. I'm saying that I have reasons for the things that I do, the secrets I keep, the reason I....." he pauses looking around startled "Where's the Relic?"

"Right here." Little Rose finally speaks up holding up the relic "It got scattered in the crash."

Ozpin, Oscar, Ozpin in Oscar's body steps forward holding his hand out
"Please, hand it over." I'm bewildered when she hesitates, she's the most trusting person I know
"all those times you talked about having faith in humanity, that was just for everyone else?" Her voice is small, nervous and it's clear she's insulted

"That's not what I meant to suggest." Ozpin's voice calms considerably "Miss Rose, the Relic is a powerful item and I simply feel as though it is my burden to bear." He told us all it couldn't do anything, he's hiding something and I'm not the only one who thinks so

"you said it couldn't do anything right now." Little Rose looks him in the eye
"Why does it matter who carries it Ozpin?" I join little rose placing a hand on her shoulder a sign of support
"I need you to listen to me Miss Rose, Miss Belladonna" he reaches out for it again but freezes up, my eyes wander over everyone stopping on Qrow who looks the most concerned
"Oz?" He asks
"Hurry" Oscar's voice resurfaces sounding strained "he's... trying to stop you!"
"Trying to stop us doing what?" I question curiously
"He's afraid... you'll find out what he's... hiding!" His voice is more strained, the amount of energy he's exerting causes him to fall to his knees
"Her name is Jinn. Say her name to summon her." Oscar continues despite the evident pain he's in

The relic starts glowing inconspicuously
"Jinn?" Ruby says

The snow stops and stays floating in midair whilst the wind stops completely.
"Not eerie at all" I pinch a snowflake out of midair "though kinda cool"
"Kid, shut up" Qrow looks at me and I roll my eyes

Little Rose lets go of the Relic as it floats a short distance away, smoke emanates from it.

The lamp is enveloped in the smoke before a giant blue figure covered in jewels emerges from it causing all our mouths to fall open in shock. The figure stretches and moans before speaking serenely

"Wow" my eyes are wide
"Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?" The figure, Jinn, looks down on us all

I notice Maria readjust her glasses to get a better look before her mouth also falls open.

"I am Jinn, a being created by the God of Light to aid humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every one hundred years. You're in luck, as I am still able to answer--" she is quickly interrupted by Ozpin's voice, it would seem he pushed past Oscar
"That's enough!" But regardless of his outburst Jinn finishes her sentence revealing the revelation Ozpin didn't want us to know

"... two questions this era" Jinn giggles as she eyes Ozpin who is looking quite frankly pitiful "It's a pleasure to see you again, old man."

"Ruby" he faces her, seemingly thinking she'd be the easiest to get through to, oh how he's wrong "please... Don't."

"Hey." Qrow faces little Rose and we all become defensive to which he raises his hands stepping back
"Do whatever you think is right, kiddo." He nods,
Little Rose freezes for a moment of silent pondering
"Jinn?" She turns around to face Jinn who raises her eyebrows curiously

Oscar's face morphs into one of anger, odd since it's Ozpin's anger, I shrug the thought off

"What is Ozpin hiding from us?" Little Rose finishes, a proud smile dawns my face

"NOOOOOOO!!" Ozpin lunges forward and Little Rose gasps in fear but they all disappear from my view and I'm alone in an empty white space.

"Guys! Little Rose! Blake! Weiss!"

Okay this is no longer cool

"Jinn! What's happening?!" I call to no avail

The blank space starts to fall apart and in its place an environment manifests; a path leading up to a castle. A woman humming makes me look up to the window, a beautiful young woman passes it brushing her long blonde hair.

"Blake!" I call once again, I go silent when I hear Jinn's voice
"Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower that sheltered a lonely girl." I'm suddenly transported into the castle where I see the girl once again brushing her hair at a desk.

"Named... Salem" my eyes go wide looking at this girl who is supposedly our worst nightmare.

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