Volume 5

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It's at times like this that I wonder what the rest of my team and team RWBY and team JNPR are doing at this time whilst we're preparing to stop and take back the organisation my father set up so many years ago.

I wonder if there at home with there families or if there together and I wonder if they even care I'm gone, I wonder if they blame me for the death of one of their closest friends.

I wonder if there annoyed I left but most of all I wonder if I'll see them again.

And what's Beacon come to? Is it just a dilapidated ruin, a ghost of what it once was. What about other people we went there with; Coco, Velvet even Cardin. The teachers: Oobleck, Port, Goodwitch; are they trying to restore Beacon.

What happened to Mercury and his team; are they planning something else and if so what is it; does it involve the White Fang? Is it all linked?

I try to stop my mind wandering but when your sat in your room alone what else is there to do.

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