3 - "This is making me ill"

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"The next team is team NDGO from Shade but these lovely ladies are up against one of the most masculine teams we've ever seen, team SSSN. A very popular team and whilst the team leader Sun Wukong will be representing Haven with his team I'm sure his family back in Vacuo will be cheering him on" Professor Port introduces

"Good luck Neptune!" Schnee ,no Weiss, calls, I just face her looking disappointed "what?" I roll my eyes but she quickly changes her tune when Nep winks at the team of girls "break his stupid face NDGO!" She shouts I just shake my head softly as I hear someone take the seat next to me
"You don't mind right?" Jaune asks seeming reluctant
"Whatever" I shrug and he sits down

The random generator generates two biomes the first being a desert causing many people in the stands to put on sunglasses including me but the second one results in a quite cruel grin from me; the ocean.

I see Nep freeze up
"What's wrong with Neptune?" Little Rose asks from her seat directly behind me, my sister puts her head in her hands muttering
"Oh no"
"Nep's afraid of the water" i snicker
"Wait... really?" Weiss asks surprised
"Yep, this'll be fun" I snort
"He's afraid of it and your laughing" Jaune comments incredulously
"Pretty much" I shrug not phased in the slightest

"3,2,1 let the match begin!" Oobleck calls over the intercom
And unsurprisingly the first thing Nep does is speedily head over to the desert up a little cliff to, of course, avoid the water.

And the match begins, a girl with a staff goes after Sage; her staff creates mini tornadoes which eventually come together to create a massive one which sweeps up Sage and throws him away.

"Sage is out, advantage to team NDGO" Port calls and not long later are one of the girls out making it once again an even playing field

In the corner of my eye, as I watch Sunny fight, I see Scarlet is flung through the air but he manages to save himself from a nasty fall by swinging onto the mast of the ship.

He fights off the girl who went after him and she rejoins her team as Scarlet attaches something to another one of the girls below hanging her upside down as he reaches the ground on the other side. The girl hanging upside down though appears to have dagger sin her skirt which all narrowly miss Scarlet; I'm really not sure how.

I turn back to Sunny to see he's throwing Coconuts at one of the girls who swings them back towards him enveloped in fire, Sunny manages to dart out of the way but Scarlet doesn't, they all hit him and he goes down.

3 vs 2 to NDGO

Sunny is trying to fight off all three girls, the one hanging has been released and eventually all three end up in the water as Nep hurries over being careful not to fall in and he electrocutes the water shocking all three girls winning them the match.

"You know what I call that victory?" Port asks Oobleck who quickly responds with
"Well earned, what you said was stupid"

"That was too close" Little Rose comments
"Guess the dorks move on to the next round" Weiss comments and I just narrowly catch Sunny's wink which is sent to my sister who is now bright red
"Emphasis on dork" she comments

"Please leave the colosseum in an orderly fashion" Oobleck speaks

I go to walk towards the exit but am stopped abruptly as Weiss comes to a holt
"She's here" she comments looking up at the sky. I look up to see an Atlas airship
"Who is?" Little Rose asks, I hadn't realised she stopped as well

"Come on" Weiss gestures us to follow

We head onto an airship to land back at school where we see the Atlas airship has also landed.

Weiss runs to the ship as atlas soldiers and a tall white haired woman climbs off,

"Beacon, it's been a long time" she comments in a sickeningly soft voice
"We are honoured to have you here" Weiss nods
"What the heck is going on?" I shake my head

"Leave us" the older woman faces the soldiers who take like two steps back and stop  "How have you been?" She huffs facing Weiss

"Oh I've been doing wonderfully thank you for asking, i am excelling in my classes; I'm actually at the top of my..."
"Shut it!" The older girl who must be Weiss' sister slaps Weiss "I meant are you eating properly, have you made any friends?" She reiterates
"Well there's Ruby" Weiss gestures to Little Rose on her left as I cross my arms over my chest "and there's Silver" I merely raise an eyebrow
"Ruby Rose the team leader, how very....underwhelming" she comments in distaste
"Thank you" Little Rose replies confused
"I would like to thank you for taking an interest in my sister" Weiss' sister nods
"The pleasure is all mine" Little Rose curtsies awkwardly
"This is making me ill" i intervene rudely
"Silver Belladonna" my eyes narrow pointedly at the eldest Schnee, I finally recall the oldest Schnee's name; Winter "Weiss has told me a lot about you, not at all comforting" I snort
"No kidding, and she's told me a bit about you Winter Schnee, I must say she never told me how stuck up and self-righteous you are"
"Silver!" Weiss hisses
"I like you" Winter comments as she steps around us, I turn to see a baffled Weiss
"She's never approved of anyone I've spent time with" I shrug
"I have some time so I would like you to show me your quarters" i snort unattractively
"Of course, by the way the bunk beds only look unsafe" Weiss adds nervously
"Bunk beds?" Winter asks

"I will meet you again at a later juncture" Little Rose curtsies "yeah a later juncture" she nods proudly
"Don't be something your clearly not" I note as I follow behind the two sisters.

We come up to the school and then, hearing some metal hitting the floor, we turn to see what looks to be a very drunk man holding parts of the Atlas robot soldiers
"Hey you! Schnee!" He calls and Weiss steps towards him
"Excuse me do you have any idea what you've just do-" the man grabs Weiss' head and pushes her away shushing her
"Shhh not you, you!" He positions himself directly in front of Winter
"I saw that awful ship flying over thought you would be here too" the man explains
"Well I'm standing right in front of you aren't I?" She says
"Oh yeah" he squints

I switch off my focus and I only come back when Weiss has dragged me to the side
"What's going on?" Little Rose asks from Weiss' left
"Some guy started attacking my sister" she crosses her arms
"Oh that's awfu......that's my uncle!" She screams. Of course he is. "Kick her butt uncle Qrow!" She screams
"Teach him respect Winter!" Weiss calls

Eventually General Ironwood, Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch break up the fight

"And suddenly your recklessness makes sense" Weiss huffs
"Your just mad he kicked butt" Little Rose playfully hits Weiss
"That was a draw at best" Weiss faces her and then Little Rose leaves to run at her uncle

"That was eventful" I comment resulting in a glare from Weiss "what?" I shrug
"You want to go to the library whilst we're waiting for Winter?" Weiss asks me
"Sure" I shrug and we head off towards the library.

Who's your favourite OC in this book?

Till next time
Happy reading

Silver Belladonna (Jaune Arc x oc) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora