6 - "You always underestimate me"

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The journey on the boat is quiet, too quiet.

The only sound being that of the boat slicing it's way through the water.

Hours that feel like days pass by before we dock near Haven academy. We send Ilia forward and Mum heads off with the mistral police who she had contacted in case we need backup.

Without so much as a word me and Blake step forward heading into the clearing where Adam is, unsurprisingly, shouting demands at other White Fang members, Crimson at his side arms crossed looking completely bored.

"Adam!" Blake makes contact, he turns swiftly on his heel to face us
"Well, well, Look who decided to make an appearance, to think I put in so much effort to find you only for you to deliver yourself to me" he spreads his arms out as if making a grand speech to everyone
"This isn't what's right for the faunas! Stand down!" I stand by my sisters side avoiding Crimson's eye
"Oh sweetheart" the pet name rolls off Crimson's tongue sending a chill down my spine "who's going to stop us?" He hums amused "you?" He smirks mockingly
"You can't stop us!" Adam concludes

"Not alone" Blake admits

"But she didn't come alone!" Sunny calls

The faunas from Menagerie enter the clearing from all sides shocking the White Fang members.

"Don't be mistaken, brothers and sisters these are our enemies! And this is what must be done!" Adam addresses the crowd to no such avail

"Adam Taurus, this is the Mistral Police Force! Lower your weapons and surrender peacefully." The police call over using the Tannoy

"How did you do this?!" Crimson takes a step towards me but I don't back down
"You always underestimate me"
"It's over" Blake finishes
"Then it's over for all of us" Adam pushes the red button and the White Fang members all start yelling
"What are you doing you'll kill us all!" One member faces Adam. Adams face turns beetroot red

"I am making humanity pay for what they have done!!" He forces out in anger grabbing the White Fang member and then pushing him back.
"What have you done?!" Crimson doesn't quite match the anger of his accomplice but his voice sounds more sinister to me.

Blake takes one step forward calmly "We sent someone over to confirm your explosives, and once we did, she disarmed them." she gestures to where Ilia is standing on top of the school holding out wires which she had stripped from the explosives
"Ilia!" Crimson growls

"We told you before, it's over" i once again take my place next to Blake

Adam screams and charges at us, he goes to strike but Blake cleverly uses her semblance to dodge it and slams her fists down on his back effectively knocking him to the ground. A low growl is emitted from the back of his throat before we hear Crimson yell

And so the battle commences, I gather all my strength and head straight for the devil himself. As I approach him he has the audacity to wink and smirk looking incredibly confident in his own skill which only aggravates me more.
I aim a strike right at his abdomen, but he blocks it as he pulls out the fire daggers, the very ones that killed my friend. He goes to grab me but I duck under his arm quickly, going for a kick to the back ,which with all this built up anger inside me, made him stumble forward slightly. He turns, quick as lightning, charging, he takes me by surprise and before I know it the dagger is held at my throat. It digs in and I have to bite my tongue to stop from crying out.

"You promise to stay by my side and I'll let you go" he offers his voice to anyone else may sound almost kind but that voice was the voice that made me stay with him for so long that made me trust him that allowed him to manipulate me, but I'm not the same girl.
"Go to hell" I croak out as the dagger starts drawing a small amount of blood, I squeeze my eyes shut as my strength withers away out of fear and pain.
Before I can even process Crimson is off me and on the floor,
"Hey bestie" a small smile flitters across my lips
"Sunny" I nod, I notice my voice sounds a little hoarse.

The light from the police airship shines on  a select few White Fang members who have weapons in hand
"Cease fire! Immediately!" The mistral police call to them and they try to run, only to be stopped in their track by Ilia and a group of faunas. Two of the members drop their weapons and fall to their knees surrendering whilst I notice the last member try to shoot only for Ilia to whip it out of his hand and tackle him to the ground.

I turn around trying to find Blake, I spot her looking over Adam who is on his knees

"I'm going to make you regret coming here!" He glowers
"More police are on their way Adam, Huntsmen too" she informs keeping a strong demeanour about her
"Still to afraid to face me alone" I hear Crimson groan, I grab his arm and drag him over to where Blake and Adam are, leaving him next to Adam as he comes to.
"I'm here for Haven, not you" my sister tells him and I have to bite back a proud smile which would be a little inappropriate at this moment in time.
Adam points his weapon at Blake and she flinches
"you are still afraid, and you should be. I've made powerful friends while you've been away."
"Yeah!" Sunny appears from seemingly nowhere as he usually does "where are they?" He gestures to the clearing where all members of the White Fang have either surrendered or been forced down.
"Tell me, does Blake make all of her classmates fight for her?" I notice Blake shifts uncomfortably slightly
"Nah, it's a volunteer gig. I'm just saying, for someone who claims to have such great friends" Sunny starts
"there doesn't seem to be a lot of people here willing to fight for you." I finish
"You can try to make me regret coming here" Blake starts and I look straight at Crimson who hasn't muttered one word since waking fully
"But we have more important things to deal with"

The two men let their anger once again get the better of them as they fight back, knocking Sunny back who then counters there attack, and the two cowards run, Sunny goes to follow but Blake stops him.
"They're going to get away" he tells us gesturing in the direction they ran in
"It's there turn to run away this time" we chorus

"Thank you for your help Sun" she tells him
"Ah I wasn't going to let you to go it alone" he shrugs it off as no big deal "but I think you two have others who need you right now" he gestures to the school and I look at him confused
"Come on" Blake pulls me towards the school building, I look inside only to be taken by surprise when I see who it is in there.

The rest of Team RWBY, the rest of team JNPR and the remaining members of Team CLAS.

My mouth falls open in shock as Blake goes ahead.

Silver Belladonna (Jaune Arc x oc) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat