9 - "Borrowed an airship"

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Ring Ring

I look over at my scroll and see Schnee's name pop up but the connection falters almost immediately, I roll over and close my eyes again as it's only 9am and we're heading out for our mission at 2pm which means I can sleep in like the rest of my team

Ring Ring

"Arghh" I groan as I pick up my scroll rolling my eyes but the name on the screen makes me panic.


You see me and Blake have this deal thing that if we're not together and one of us calls the other instead of texting it means there in danger.

I jump out of bed and put my clothes on and run for the courtyard, since a lot of teams are heading for there missions today the ships are all lined up outside the school.

"And team JNPR are going here..." I hear someone on the first ship say. I head to the next one to find it's empty.

I swiftly make my way onto it and start it up, it's been a while since I've flown an airship; last time being when I was in the White Fang.

Aaaaand we have lift off.

I grin.

I've stiiiiiill got it.

"Hey no team is going now! what are you doing?!" A captain of one of the ships, clear from his uniform, shouts

"Sorry boys, a girls got to do what a girls got to do!" I call back as I head off

If I remember correctly then they were heading for mountain Glenn, sad story really, it was supposed to be an expansion to Vale but Grimm took over and people tried one more time at expanding underground instead but that still failed so it was abandoned. It's now over run by Grimm, people died at the hands of them, no expansion has been tried since.

I let out a breathe feeling at peace in the sky. I miss flying, being off the ground has always made me feel more free.


I land just outside of the abandoned place, no Grimm in sight, team RWBY's probably been here.
I walk around keeping my weapon at my side in case a Grimm decides to show its ugly face.

The ground rumbles and I run eventually finding a hole in the Earth where the sound is coming from.

"Start the train!" A familiar voice shouts. I jump down and look around spotting a big train with White Fang members boarding, carrying loot.

Two things in particular grab my attention, first being Torchwick the human leader of the White Fang and second a group of people with familiar coloured hair standing on top of the train. It doesn't take me long to reach them.

"We're stopping this train" Little Rose exclaims

"You called for back up!" I call out from behind them
"Silver! What are you doing here?"
"You called me!" I explain in a duh tone
"I panicked; Ruby went missing" I shrug
"Well I'm here now"
"How did you get here?" Blondie asks looking around
"Borrowed an airship" I reply
"What?!" They all shout
"You stole an airship!" Blake establishes
"Borrowed, there's a difference. I fully intend on giving it back." I explain pointedly.

"Ladies we are stopping this train!" Oobleck exclaims as he joins us and repositions his glasses
"Erm Professor I said that earlier" Little Rose intervenes
"Oh" he whispers

"Where would they be going? This track was cut off years ago" Schnee speaks up
"Well they're going somewhere" i point out

A beeping sound seems to be coming out from a little compartment on the top of the train. I quickly open it to see a device which is flashing, I have a bad feeling about this
"Professor? what's that?" I call him over
"That looks to be a bomb" he responds calmly
"What?!" We all scream as we jump back

"We've got to move" Oobleck let's us go first before pulling back Blake "we need to separate it from the rest of the train" he instructs and she jumps down to sort it
"It decoupled itself!" Blake calls up
"What?!" Oobleck exclaims
"Professor there's a bomb here to" Schnee says
"There's one here to!" Blondie calls from a compartment over
"No, no, no" Oobleck mutters to himself heading to the next carriage "they all have bombs!" He calls back as we all head to the next one after the next carriage decouples itself.
Oobleck seems to be contemplating something as he looks behind as the carriage explodes
"There leading the Grimm to Vale" Oobleck explains
"What?!" Schnee shouts
"The carriages decouple themselves and explode allowing pockets for the Grimm to come down and follow giving them a direct passage to Vale" he explains
We hear some clanking and see the members of the White Fang climbing onto the roof of the train
"Can't catch a break" i huff, I quickly knock a couple off the train as the rest of the group take out the others, we face each other feeling proud of ourselves until a massive metal robot being controlled by a White Fang member climbs onto the roof facing us "oh great" I roll my eyes
"You go below and stop the train, me and your leader will defend ourselves here, go!" Oobleck instructs and we quickly climb below.

We enter the next carriage to find a girl with Neapolitan coloured hair with an umberella
"I've got this one go ahead" Blondie distracts the girl as we go ahead, in the next compartment there is a massive White Fang member who starts taunting Schnee who starts fighting back allowing me and Blake to go ahead eventually finding Roman Torchwick at the front.
"Well, well, well, hello kitties" he taunts
"Ouch" I roll my eyes, Blake quickly attacks him as she yells
"Can you stop the train?!"
"I have no idea" I mutter as I start looking over the controls
"Hurry Silver!" Blake calls and I huff as I start pushing random buttons
"Ladies, ladies, if I can just intervene, there is no brake" he laughs manically
"Oh for goodness sake" I turn around and hit him in the face to distract him from my sister who knocks him out quickly.
"Come on we gotta go" i gesture her to follow me
We meet the rest of the group, minus Oobleck and the dog, on top of the train
"Weiss!" Little Rose shouts as we near the wall, Schnee quickly reacts and creates a shield of ice around us and we all duck.

Silver Belladonna (Jaune Arc x oc) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن