2 - "We're coming with you"

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We all regroup in a train carriage along with the  'huntsman' who is supposed to be protecting everyone.

"I told you to turn those damn things off" Qrow picks up the 'huntsman' , his names Dudley apparently, and shoves him into a wall
"They were keeping us alive!" Dudley groans in pain clutching his arm
"They're putting the passengers in danger you dumb stup....." Blake's hand covers my mouth and I roll my eyes
"I'm in charge here, I was hired for this!" Dudley growls out, Blake drops her hand from my mouth
"How? Were you seriously the best they could get?" I sigh exasperated as I hear Blake sigh, in my peripheral vision I can see her shake her head at me "what?" I ask her "we were all thinking it" I shrug
"I'm not convinced either" I gesture to Qrow who spoke as if to say I told you so
"Get off me!" Dudley pulls himself away from Qrow who had been gripping him the whole time
"if you muppets had been doing your job we wouldn't be in this predicament" I glare at him as Blake groans.
"Silver" little rose sighs before standing in front of us all facing Dudley "Please just shut off the turrets." She tells him
"Trust us" Jaune walks around me and Blake as he starts using his semblance to amplify Dudley's in order to heal his disfigured arm quicker. Dudley flexes his arm looking over it as Jaune continues to work
"Fine, but if something goes wrong it's on you" he points at her and she nods unfazed.
"Ren, could you use your Semblance to mask everyone on this train? With the guns off and emotions hidden, they might lose track of us!" Nora pipes up
"Not a bad idea" I comment as Ren hums contemplating it
"I've never attempted to affect this many people before."
"Well, you've never had Jaune's help before." Little Rose adds
"He could amplify your Aura!" Weiss catches on
"Yeah, that's an alright plan." Qrow nods as Ren looks around looking a little concerned
"Don't look so worried, Ren. You can totally do this!" Nora encourages her future boyfriend, I'm not the only one who sees it right?

"I'm afraid there's one complication." Ozpin's voice releases itself from Oscar's small frame; I don't think I will ever get used to that, just looks and sounds so odd "The Grimm are also attracted to this." He gestures to the relic on his hip
"What's that?" Dudley perks up
"None of your business. Oz, are you serious?" Qrow interferes, I look around to see everyone is either in shock or in Blondie's case annoyed, very annoyed.
"Why wouldn't you tell us that?!" She raises her voice and arms; frustration written all over her face. Ozpin goes to comment but Little Rose intervenes
"It doesn't matter right now." Blondie crosses her arms over her chest and not so subtly glares over at Ozpin, Oscar, Ozpin; arghh whatever.
"Every second we're on board this train, we're putting everyone else in danger." Little Rose steps forward taking charge, to absolutely no one's surprise; I don't know how she manages to take control like this "Get the passengers to the front cars, you'll still mask the emotions and kill the turrets; we just can't come with you. If we cut the back cars with us and the Relic on them, we can deal with the Grimm. You just make sure the rest of the train makes it safely to Argus." Jaune finishes up on Dudley's arm before turning to face Little Rose
"Only if you'll promise you'll meet us there." He says
"We're coming with you" I volunteer my team to join team RWBY
"Okay" Little Rose nods and me, Coral, Ash and Saph follow, once I notice her following I turn around
"No you stay with them" I start "it's safer with them"
"I'm coming with you" she meets my eyes
"For once listen to me, please" I beg and she sighs
"Okay" she accepted that quicker than I thought
I turn to Jaune
"Look out for her"
"You have my word" I nod before turning away and heading off "hey" Jaune grabs my arm, I turn back "be careful" he tells me, I can feel everyone's eyes on us so I just pat him on the shoulder
"You to" I head out quickly
Jaune, Sapphire, Ren and Nora start moving the passengers to the front of the train.

The rest of us head outside, happier now the turrets are shut off, and start taking out Grimm whilst Blake decouples the front half of the train for them to go on ahead.
"Now!" Little Rose calls after checking her scroll
I shoot arrows at the manticores alongside my teammates but our attention is captured by Qrow struggling to fight of a sphinx
"We need to ground it!" Ruby shouts
"On it!" Blondie and Blake quickly jump into action, Yang ducks under the sphinx, Blake spins her weapon throwing it over to Blondie, the ribbon wraps around the creature pulling its chest towards the train. Now the creatures grounded Weiss freezes its wings and me and Coral smash them. Qrow and Little Rose grab their scythes standing on either side of the creature and spin into action slicing the sphinx in half. Though unfortunately before it dies it lets out a final fireball destroying the tracks in front.

Weiss jumps forward activating her glyphs to hold everyone in place as the back half of the train is completely derailed hitting the snow and causing us all to fall forward, thankfully the snows deep so the fall doesn't cause much harm.
"Is everyone okay?" Qrow asks us all
"Yep" Little Rose calls
"Fine" Blondie
"Yeah" Blake
"Hmm" Weiss
"Well I'm alive so all good" I comment
"Still alive" a ladies voice grabs our attention, the ladies wearing glasses which keep dimming and is holding a stick "that was a close one wasn't it?" She states
"Your kidding" I facepalm


Sorry it's been so long but I hope this jam packed chapter made up for it

Let me know what you think
Happy reading

Silver Belladonna (Jaune Arc x oc) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz